
Social mood affects everyone, even the leadership

Bo 'had President wiretapped'
The hidden wiretapping, previously alluded to only in internal Communist Party accounts of the scandal, appears to have provided another compelling reason for party leaders to turn against Bo.

The story of how the president was monitored also shows the level of mistrust among them. Roderick MacFarquhar, a historian of China's elite-level machinations over the past half century, said: "This society has bred mistrust and violence.

"Leaders know you have to watch your back because you never know who will put a knife in it."

Beyond making a routine inspection, it is not clear why the disciplinary official who telephoned Hu - Ma Wen, the minister of supervision - was in Chongqing.

Her high-security land link to Hu from the state guesthouse in Chongqing was monitored on Bo's orders.
Here's a Chinese article based off a NYTimes report: 窃听中共高层电话 导致薄熙来下台






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