
Beijing Existing Home Sales Pick Up

Existing home sales are picking up in Beijing. In the first 10 months of 2014, sales were below 10,000 every month and September was the only month above 9000 homes. In 2013, there were nine months of sales above 10,000 homes. This month, sales could crack 13,000......as of yet no news of a pick-up in new home sales.

iFeng: 北京二手房单月成交量或破1.3万套 房价微涨
Since last year, Beijing has been sluggish recovery in the secondary housing market recently. According to the chain of home real estate market research statistics show that the fourth week of January 2015, Beijing second-hand housing transaction price was 35,190 yuan / square meter, rose 3.8 percent last week.

"Overall, from the beginning of December last year, Beijing second-hand housing market has been warmer, but the rebound is relatively stable, the volume has gone up, the average transaction price does not rise sharply." Chain of home real estate market research to Zhang Xu "Securities Daily" reporters bluntly last week, prices have risen is actually affected by structural factors, and some regional second-hand housing prices are still declining.

Monthly volume will break the 13,000 units mark

According to the chain of home real estate market research center statistics, as of January 25, Beijing secondary residential net signed volume of 9261 units, a decrease of 19.5% over the same period last month, is expected this month, the volume will be about 13,000 units.

In fact, since last year, Beijing second-hand housing market has suffered, remains in the doldrums. According to the Central Plains real estate monitoring data show that by 2014, 10 months, secondary residential net signed volume has been hovering around 10,000 sets of the following, just over 9000 units in September; and in 2013 as a whole, there are nine single month net signed more than 10000 sets, even the highest monthly amount of net signed up more than 43,000 sets.

However, since November 2014, all the second-hand housing market recovery. If you can achieve a breakthrough in January this year 13,000 units of volume, this would mean that Beijing second-hand housing market, hold a slight rebound stable situation, rather, "Alice inclusive" pattern.

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