
Average First-Home Mortgage Rates Exceed 6pc in Several Cities

iFeng: 全国首套房贷 平均利率继续上升
The average interest rate of the first home loan in the country has risen for 18 months. According to data released by Rong 360, the average interest rate of the first home loan in the country last month was 5.64%, which is equivalent to the benchmark interest rate of 1.151 times, up 0.71% from May. The average interest rate of the first home loan in June 2017 was 4.89%, an increase of 15.34% since then.
The lowest average interest rate of the first home loan in 35 cities monitored by Rong 360 was 5.16% in Shanghai; the highest value was 6.13% in Dongguan, and the average value exceeded 6.10% for the first time. In addition, the first home loan interest rates in Wuhan, Zhengzhou and Harbin also exceeded 6%. In Guangzhou, the average interest rate of the first home loan was 5.57%, up 4 basis points from the previous month, and the interest rate level has stabilized.
According to the 360 ​​data, the national average interest rate of the second home loan in June was 6.01%, up 5 basis points from the previous month.

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