
Chinese Bankers Expect Home Sales and Prices Stable or Rising

Caijing: 报告称超七成银行家预计房地产将量价齐升或持平
On February 26, the China Bankers Survey (2018) jointly issued by the China Banking Association and PricewaterhouseCoopers pointed out that more than 70% of bankers believe that real estate prices and sales will rise or remain flat.

It is learned that for the first-tier urban real estate market, 70% of bankers believe that the sales volume of the real estate market will rise or remain flat, and more than 80% believe that house prices will rise or remain flat.

For the second-tier urban real estate market, nearly 90% of bankers believe that the sales and prices of the real estate market will rise or at least remain flat; for third- and fourth-tier cities, more than 60% of bankers believe that the sales and prices of the real estate market will rise or remain flat. Compared with 2017, these two figures fell by 3.6 and 6.2 percentage points respectively.

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