
Raising a Child through College Costs $114k Minimum in First-Tier Cities

A graphic published by the 21st Century Herald shows the cost of raising a child in a first-tier city. The estimate does not include housing. The conservative forecast is 800,000 yuan, or about 2900 yuan per month. The high estimate is 2.6 million yuan, or 9200 yuan per month. The conservative estimate is below the minimum wage in first-tier cities. The highest average salary in Beijing is below the high estimate and only about 3X the minimum estimate. If child expenses are 15 percent of household expenses, household income should be above 19,000 yuan per month or roughly 230,000 yuan per year.
The article is solely a graphic.
21st Century: 一线城市养娃成本至少80万?图解育儿经济账

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