
Political Reform in China

Strident call for political reform
The article, with the headline, "Political Reform is What People Want", echoed Premier Wen Jiabao's bold call last month for the country's political system to be liberalised and more rights granted to its people. "Among all reforms, political reform is of critical importance and marks the decisive step along the road," the article, written by Central Party School scholar Hou Shaowen, said. "The country will have a bright future if we succeed in pushing political reform ... otherwise, the fruits of economic reform will be lost and the goal of modernisation cannot be achieved. Going against the people's will would lead the reform to fail."

The article is being seen as another round of the political discussion stirred up by Wen's eyebrow-raising speech in Shenzhen last month. It sides firmly with the premier, saying that only political reform can save the country from problems ranging from an overconcentration of power to grave social inequalities.

Wen's remarks were played down by mainstream state media in what was seen as an effort by party conservatives to contain his influence, but were relished by party reformists and liberal publications. The Guangzhou-based Southern Metropolis Daily and the Beijing-based Caixin magazine backed Wen.

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