

Socionomics Watch—Theft

Interesting article on restaurant decor theft: Restaurants encounter a rash of decor thievery
Some social mood commentary:
“I wanted to make a beautiful statement,” she said.

In recent months, however, customers at the bakery/cafe started pulling crystals off the chandelier and either taking them home or leaving them in the restroom. It happened so often that the fixture's metal skeleton began to show.

Brook took the chandelier down, an experience she called “heartbreaking.”
“People are just so brazen,” she said.

“In 18 years, that's the first bad experience I've had,” said T'afia owner/chef Monica Pope, who has improved her security since the thefts took place.

In many instances, the worst part of the theft is not the value of the item taken, but the emotionally toll on the owner. It feels like a kick in the gut.

“Restaurant owners are hospitality-driven people,” observed Shine.

Independent restaurateurs often create an ambiance resembling their personality, he said. “Coming to their restaurant is like coming to their home.

“When you take something from it, you're taking a part of them. It hurts and makes you angry,” he said.

The print was stolen in broad daylight, an act of boldness that startled Jones. Someone could have easily witnessed it, she said: “I wish to God it had been me. It's just infuriating.”

She wonders if she should remove all of her personal items from Ouisie's, “but I don't want to.”

A theft like that makes “you angry,” Goode said. “Unfortunately, being in this business, you're open to it happening.”

He has no plans to remove any of his artifacts from his restaurant, however.

“We're not gonna let one or two bad apples ruin it for everybody else,” Goode said.
Even if this isn't really news, why is the newspaper covering this now, and why did Drudge link to it?

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