

Socionomics Alert—Rising International Tensions

As I pointed out in the previous post on Belgium, the social mood is the background trend and the choices people make here and now will determine the actual course of events. International tensions will rise, but their location is unknown until politicians and others move to exacerbate already negative social mood.

Now the Brits are getting seriously pissed at Obama:
'Anti-British' Obama Attacked Over BP
"There is a sense here that these attacks are being made because BP is British.

"If you compare the damage inflicted on the economies of the western world by polluted securities from the irresponsible, unchecked greed and avarice of leading USA international banks, there has not been the same personalised response in or from countries beyond the US.

"Perhaps a case of double standards?"
Or a case of having a community organizer with absolutely zero real world experience holding the most powerful job in the world. In Chicago, Obama would have dealt with a "bad" company by organizing ACORN protests and boycotts. When you think of how he's handled the BP situation, its pretty much community organizing writ large. And just like the neighborhoods that Obama organized in saw zero improvement, so there's been zero improvement in the BP situation.

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