

Socionomics Watch—Racial tensions increasing

Attacks against Mexicans inflame tensions in NYC
Recorded by a store's surveillance camera, the assault was the first of 11 suspected anti-Hispanic bias attacks in a Staten Island neighborhood, re-igniting years-old tensions between blacks and Hispanics in New York City's most remote borough.
There's also the ongoing dispute over the mosque at ground zero.
Here's one of many articles and posts and tweets on the subject, from Daniel Pipes.

Reflections on an Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan

Most politicians still talk up the idea of the melting pot and openness to mass immigration, even if they want a secure border and no mosque. Putting aside whether they say it because they believe it or they think they must to be socially acceptable, if socionomics has any predictive ability and we've crossed a grand supercycle peak, then I expect this to change. Politicians not only won't make these statements, but they will actually move into opposition to these ideas.

Finally, this is interesting fuel for the mosque fire:
Senior Hamas official Mahmoud Al-Zahar said Sunday that Muslims "have to build" a mosque near ground zero.

Zahar said Muslims "have to build everywhere" so that followers can pray, just like Christians and Jews build their places of worship.

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