

Why Republicans fell short of taking the Senate

In Pat Buchanan on the social mood, I predicted that the Republicans will see their approval ratings drop sharply after a brief holiday—assuming they even get a holiday. I had expected Sharron Angle to pull out an upset victory in Nevada, but the reality is that the public is not pro-Republican, it is just more anti-Democrat than anti-Republican. The big election cycle is yet to come, when one of the two parties decides to offer a plan that voters want to support (or voters decide that accepting pain now is the right choice.)

The GOP is not in an easy position. I would say roughly half of the Tea party crowd would like to see the wars ended, while the other half wants to attack Iran. The GOP is also going to be timid on spending, as they are now immediately concerned with their reelection...which sets up the possible government shutdown mentioned at the end of the Ann Coulter interview below.

The next two years will be the battle of who can screw up the least. who can take the least amount of public ire. In this, Obama has the advantage of the bully pulpit.

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