

So I go to a 4th of July Party

Bruce Krasting sets off the fireworks early.

I go to a 4th of July party
-The local Pastor is having a set-to with an accountant.
-A nurse is fighting with a doctor.
-Two mothers are ganging up against the middle school principal.
-The soccer coach is arguing with two Wall Street wives.
-Two oldsters are defending the fact that they get SS benefits with five younger workers who are complaining they will not see a penny of what they have paid. The grey hairs are losing big time. “Boomers Suck!” is heard.
-The car dealer is fighting with the insurance salesman. This is getting physical with both sides pushing. (I learned later that infidelity, not politics or economics was the issue)
-A guy who runs a decent sized lawn business is fighting with two of his customers over the fact that illegal aliens are mowing the lawns. One of the wives is screaming at the poor bastard.

-Four people are fighting over the local nuke (Indian Point). Some wanted it closed, those who work there were fighting like hell.
-Young kids are crying. Dogs are barking. Adults are shouting.
-Husbands are trying to pull back wives. Wives are pulling back husbands.
-Fingers are pointing and swearing is happening.

And then it got ugly.

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