

Androgyny in the bear market

Grab Your 'Murse,' Pack a 'Mankini' And Don't Forget the 'Mewelry'
Men's Fashion, Lingo Take a Feminine Turn
For an long and in-depth look at the latest issue of Vogue and the socionomic implications see The Socionomic Implications Of September Vogue by Marz Bonfire.
This Vogue issue was likely being produced during May and June – always 3 months ahead at a minimum -- near the 1370 highs in the S&P. Therefore, the focus on color is to be expected. Bright colors, in a socionomic sense, reflect optimism and confidence. What is interesting is that color is not being used overtly but as an accent. People don’t seem bold enough to lead with it (with all due respect to the editor that insists people are “clamoring for scarlet, shamrock, and tangerine.”) What they feel bold about is privacy, protection, layers . . . concealment, hiding behind oversized sunglasses, grommets and chain, comfortable armor, blending in. Great concepts here: rock ‘n’ roll Gatsby, utilitarian military, country strong, all very intriguing.

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