

Wenzhou factory owners run away from debt

自2011年4月江南皮革董事长黄鹤失踪以来,温州民企老板跑路事件愈演愈烈,已有近40名老板不知所踪。仅9月一个月,就有接近20起,甚至在中秋之夜出现多个老板集体出逃。近期,一份温州老板跑路清单也在微博上被火热传播。 温州的民间放贷全国有名,如今,正是这些民间资本,使温州老板们“背井离乡”。温州老板跑路该不该怪高利贷,又是谁让温州变成了高利贷之城?是温州人贪婪,还是是中国金融体制?或者是央行紧缩政策?我们需要认清真相。
40 business owners have fled from Wenzhou this year, a center of private market capitalism in China, and 20 have fled in September. Last year, in Wenzhou private interest rates hit 96% I covered the situation in Wenzhou (article has several links and video). The Chinese government was already tightening lending and the reduced flow of funds goes to the state-owned companies first. Private companies depend on loans that have monthly interest rates that can run as high as 180% annualized. Then, at the start of 2011, I covered this story on the blog, Rising costs destroy profit margins in Wenzhou, firms shift to real estate. Some factories operated at 0% profit margins, while many started up real estate divisions to engage in real estate speculation and development. Clearly, things were headed for a disaster, despite assurances that the rumors of widespread bankruptcy were false. (There have also been persistent rumors in the Guangdong, Pearl River manufacturing area, which exports as much as the next two provinces.)
时间 事件
4月初 温州龙湾区江南皮革有限公司董事长黄鹤失踪。目前公开的原因黄鹤参与大额赌博,欠下巨额赌资出逃……
4月 温州波特曼咖啡因经营不善,企业主向民间借入高息资金,最终导致资金链断裂出走,相关门店停止经营……
4月 位于乐清的三旗集团董事长陈福财,因资金链出现困境、企业互保出现问题出走……
6月初 温州铁通电器合金实业有限公司的股东之一范某出走,估计涉及上千万元民间借贷……
6月中旬 位于乐清的浙江天石电子公司老板叶某出走,据传叶某欠下7000万巨债无法偿还……
7月 瑞安的恒茂鞋业老板虞正林出逃
7月底 位于温州龙湾区海滨街道的巨邦鞋业有限公司老板王某出走,据记者了解其参股一家担保公司,涉资金约一亿……
8月24日 位于温州瓯海区的锦潮电器有限公司老板戴某失踪,原因可能是其参与经营的担保公司出了问题……
8月29日 位于温州鹿城区的耐当劳鞋材有限公司宣布停工,传言老板戴某因欠巨债潜逃……
8月31日 永嘉县温州部落之神鞋业公司老板吴伟华失踪了……
9月1日 永嘉县蝶梦儿鞋厂老板黄杰失踪了……
9月9日下午 在龙湾颇有名气的家电老板郑珠菊,郑珠菊共欠债权人现金借款、银行承兑汇票等高达2.8亿元,其中现金1.8亿元,银行承兑汇票1亿元左右“落跑”半个月之后,在温州经济开发区滨海园区被警方抓获。
9月13日左右 温州奥米流体设备科技有限公司老板,送全体员工集体去雁荡度假。其间公司董事长和总经理等负责人不知所踪。 40多台、总价值上千万的精密加工设备全部不翼而飞。
中秋节期间 温州龙湾新耐宝鞋业老板跑路……
中秋节期间 温州唐风制鞋老板黄伯鹤跑路……
中秋节期间 温州金竹工业区的星际鞋业老板跑路……
中秋节期间 温州欧霸标准件有限公司老板跑路……
9月15日左右 浙江祥源钢业、温州宝康不锈钢制品有限公司董事长吴保忠失踪,欠银行贷款2亿多元,民间借贷8000万元,承兑汇票5000万元没有归还。
9月19日 开业仅2年的信河街温州福燕兄弟实业有限公司(燕窝之类饮食的)倒闭,房产易主,老板跑路。老板欠了几个亿的高利贷资金链断了,房产被银行转卖。
9月21日 公司占地200亩,年总产值达10个亿的浙江温州东特不锈钢制造有限公司老板姜国元跑路……
9月22日 温州龙湾蓝天大药房老总跑路,涉案资金8000万……
9月22日 温州最大的眼镜企业浙江信泰集团董事长欠款8亿跑路(具知情人透露,实际欠款达20多亿)。
9月24日早上 温州市经济技术开发区的温州正德鞋业有限公司大门围着上百人,有员工,也有供应商,而欠钱的老板已经不知所踪。
9月25日 温州综艺鞋业老板跑路……
9月25日 温州龙湾泰尔铜业老板跑路……
**月**日 温州老板跑路名单还在陆续增加中……
Almost all of the above cases involve high interest loans. There are quite a number of articles that accompany this story if you want to click through and use Google translate to get a gist of the stories. There's been a long history of private loans and the situation is more complex than just a credit cycle story, but this is now turning, I believe this is the beginning of the end. Already, a domino effect taking place as other business owners watch their peers flee their debts. Overseas consumers in Europe and America will be cutting back in the wake of austerity. Even if the PBOC loosened monetary policy now, it is probably too late.

This story in Wenzhou has been around for well over a year, and similar stories cropped up in 2008. A lot of China bears  have been early in their calls and the country just surprises and surprises with its ability to push ahead with growth. It's powered through so many times, but this may finally be the canary in the coal mine for a major slowdown in China.

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