

Why did Republicans nominate a man they hate?

Now that Republicans are turning on their nominee, an obvious question to ask is, why did Republican nominate a candidate they hate? Why did they nominate a candidate who "lost" 3 of the 4 major elections he ran in (Mass Senate race 1994, 2008 Presidential Primary and he chose not to run for relection as governor due to incredibly low approval)? Part of the reason was the fracturing of the conservative base. Romney defeated Gingrich, Santorum and Paul, each of whom laid claim to a different part of the party's base.

In this video, political analysts discuss the Romney campaign. Pat Caddell, who managed the Carter campaign, calls it the worst run campaign in his lifetime. Here's a video from RealClearPolitics:

Why would a party choose a self-destructive path? The answer is negative social mood. People are in a mood to fight and they are already fighting with their own nominee! Earlier this week, conservative talk radio host Laura Ingraham said the entire GOP should shut down and start fresh.

While Democrats may relish this turn of events as helpful in reelecting Barack Obama, it foretells a doomed 2nd term. Consider Bob Woodward's new book exposes the president as a failed leader who cannot even command respect from his own party. Obama may have no support, from either party, should he be relected. Should Romney win, he will have a honeymoon of maybe 3 months before the conservatives in the GOP start attacking him.

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