

UKIP on its way to shock victory as left moves right; Australians want to ban all immigration; immigration will end in the West

The next British election is scheduled for May 7, 2015 if no early elections are called. I predict there will be early elections to head off a surge in the UK Independence Party as immigration becomes a major issue and the country moves right. The Tories are not the conservative party, they are the liberal party along with Labour. UKIP isn't conservative on all issues, but it is the leading conservative party in Great Britain today. Adding to UKIP's appeal is their leader, Nigel Farage, who has a background in the financial industry yet is lined up against the banking industry.

Here's the latest open revolt from the left on immigration, with a pure social mood headline trumpeting the "age of insecurity":
Leader: Liberalism now feels inadequate in this new age of insecurity
Ever since the Thatcher era, British politics has been defined by forms of economic and social liberalism. The right won the argument for the former and the left the argument for the latter, or so it is said. Yet in the post-crash era, this ideological settlement is beginning to fracture. The right is re-examining its crude economic liberalism and the left its social liberalism. This shift is characterised neither by a revival of socialist economics, nor by one of reactionary conservatism. Rather, it is defined by a mutual recognition that liberalism, at least in some of its guises, does not provide all the answers to Britain’s most entrenched problems: its imbalanced economy, its atomised society, its lack of common identity.
Socialism is dying and headed into the grave. Reactionary conservatism is rising from the ashes. It isn't on the scene yet, but it will be.
In a recent speech to the Fabian Women’s Network, Diane Abbott, the shadow public health minister and once on the hard left of the party, spoke out against the “sexualisation” of childhood. “For so long,” she said, “it’s been argued that overt, public displays of sexuality are an enlightened liberation. But I believe that for many, the pressure of conforming to hyper-sexualisation and its pitfalls is a prison.” Ms Abbott concluded: “We’ve got to build a society based on open-minded family values and not ‘anything-goes’ market values.”
There's no going part way, politics never works that way. Once you put the pendulum in motion, it makes a full swing, even going to extreme points, before returning. This is the end of a 300-year pendulum swing that lines up with the Grand Supercycle and as people shift their values from left to right, the logic will compel them to go further and further right. It is the same reason why gay marriage will inevitably lead to legalized polygamy, if the pendulum doesn't swing before then. There is no argument left against polygamy once gay marriage is legalized because the main opposition to gay marriage comes from social conservatives and they have been soundly defeated. Even bestiality will eventually be legalized given enough time, though the "ick factor" may be enough to keep it illegal until the pendulum swings back. As for the argument about families, once children are again made the center of the family and public policy reflects this, divorce, promiscuity, late marriage, birth control, homosexual culture and women's rights will all be reevaluated. People cannot even comprehend the total shift in society that is coming based upon a changing social mood that will accelerate a multi-century rightward swing in society.
This insight is also shaping the Labour leader’s approach to welfare and his call for a reassertion of the “contributory” principle. By remodelling the benefits system so that there is a clearer link between what people put in and what they receive, Labour seeks to restore public confidence. The view of the welfare state as a pot from which all draw as much as they can is being rejected in favour of one that emphasises reciprocity. This is necessary if the welfare state is to survive and to continue to enjoy majority support.
This concept is to the right of the American right wing. This type of view can be found on talk radio in America, not in the mainstream public debate. In England, the left is already moving full steam to the right.
Yet there is good thinking occurring on the right. The Tory MP Jesse Norman and the conservative commentator Ferdinand Mount recognise that Britain’s lightly regulated model of financial capitalism has undermined the conservative goal of a stable and orderly society. Mr Norman, who will shortly publish a book about Edmund Burke, has written of how markets should not be idolised, but “treated as cultural artefacts mediated by trust and tradition”.
The rise of the liberals came with the fall of religion, which served as the backbone of tradition. Socialism is dead and though we cannot see it today, religion is on the rise. It could take decades or a century before we see major changes (or much sooner if the economy collapses), but the answers society is searching for will be found on the right.

It's important to keep in mind that there is a right and left in today's politics and a Right and Left in extremely basic issues, such as monarchy versus democracy. It's very possible that a left-wing party by today's standard will implement very right-wing policies. You see this clearly in free trade arguments, where left and right-wing liberals support free trade, and far left and far right conservatives oppose it. What is taking place is the formation of new political parties and new political alliances along new ideological lines. It would be a mistake to view this coming shift right as the triumph of Tories or Republicans, for example, since if they are openly fighting the shift! Both right and left will win in elections, what will change is their goals.

Meanwhile in Australia:

Half of Australians want end to immigration
The survey of 2,000 people, conducted for the tabloid Sydney Daily Telegraph newspaper, found 51 percent thought "our population is too high (and) we should stop immigration".

Australia has some 23 million people, compared to 19.6 million a decade ago.

Canberra set its immigration programme for the year to June at 185,000 places, with another 13,750 slots available to refugees on humanitarian grounds.

But in the poll only 32 percent of respondents felt Australia should welcome more immigrants and almost two thirds, some 65 percent, said "migrants should adopt the Australian way of life".

The responses revealed a marked swing away from the more tolerant attitudes of previous surveys conducted in 2005, 2001 and 1995, the newspaper said.
Notice the carry over from the Grand Supercycle peak into 2005. Australia is doing better than other nations economically, but they are also moving against immigration. We may not see political results until the latter half of this decade, but suffice to say, if you want to immigrate to Australia, Canada, U.S.A., Britain, Singapore, etc., now is the time to do it because the window is closing. The only people who will be able to immigrate in coming years will be the most talented and wealthiest people, and possible those moving to similar cultures, such as from Canada to the U.S.

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