

Extreme immigration policies coming home to roost

At the peak of social mood, Western societies opened themselves completely and believed that all people and cultures are the same. This was not a foreign policy, they believed that inviting the world into their nations would make their countries better, the polar opposite of trough social mood policy of banning immigration and believing that foreigners bring nothing but trouble. Just as peak xenophobia ignores the benefits of eevn limited immigration, peak openness ignored the great costs of mass migrations. Mass immigration did not lead to assimilation, it lead to separation.

Now that social mood is declining, the clear rifts between immigrants and the native communities are leading to a growing number of clashes, sometimes violent. The result will be a mix of authoritarian police state tactics to deal with volatile immigrant populations or anti-immigration policies that restrict the flow or deport foreigners.

Killing of gay man in NYC triggers protests; officials to increase police presence
2 more reports of anti-gay attacks in NYC following killing where man was taunted with slurs
New York City police say there have been two more reports of possible anti-gay attacks, following the killing of a gay man taunted with homophobic slurs.

Police spokesman Paul Browne says the attacks occurred Monday and early Tuesday.

In one, a 45-year-old man was attacked in Manhattan's East Village by a drinking companion who yelled an epithet.

In the second, two men were walking in lower Manhattan at about 5 a.m. Tuesday. Two other men yelled homophobic slurs in Spanish and attacked them. They were arrested on hate crime assault charges.
At least two of the three cases involved Hispanics, possibly immigrants.

Stockholm burns as rioters battle police after three days of violence in immigrant 'ghetto'
An anti-immigrant party, the Sweden Democrats, has risen to third in polls ahead of a general election due next year, reflecting unease about immigrants among many voters.
They will continue rising in the polls, count on that.

This post,Wait, there are riots in Sweden?, has a great chart explaining what Swedes really think of immigration, despite what they might say.

The left and their media allies are completely out of touch, see Reuters: Sweden's capital hit by worst riots in years
After decades of practicing the "Swedish model" of generous welfare benefits, Sweden has been reducing the role of the state since the 1990s, spurring the fastest growth in inequality of any advanced OECD economy.

While average living standards are still among the highest in Europe, governments have failed to substantially reduce long-term youth unemployment and poverty, which have affected immigrant communities worst.

The left-leaning tabloid Aftonbladet said the riots represented a "gigantic failure" of government policies, which had underpinned the rise of ghettos in the suburbs.

"We have failed to give many of the people in the suburbs a hope for the future," Anna-Margrethe Livh of the opposition Left Party wrote in the daily Svenska Dagbladet.
The issue is Muslim immigration from the Third World. Inequality was imported via immigration, it has nothing to do with economic policies and the general public knows it. The left is heading for a total collapse and they will leave an opening for far-right parties if legitimate concerns about immigration are waved off as xenophobia or racism.

Reliably more right-wing RT presents the counter argument in ‘Multiculturalism failing’: Swedish PM pleas for order as riots engulf Stockholm suburbs
“This is a clear consequence of this multiculturalism politics that Sweden adopted around ‘80s and increased in the ‘90s... And this is not a unique one single occasion… we have had these ethnic-based riots against Swedish authorities. We have seen this in Western Europe, that is very sad, and I think we will see more of this, if we don’t change the politics,” the chairman of the Sweden’s National Democrats Party Marc Abramsson told RT.

While not elaborating on the incident that caused the current riots, Abramsson said all such incidents have a common “problem beneath” – that is, the immigrants not identifying themselves with the country’s society, nor accepting the country’s authorities, sticking only to their own ethnic group.

“Sweden has been trying harder than any of the countries in Europe to try to push for integration. We have invested virtually billions from taxpayers’ money into it, we have tried everything that the scientists have presented – and still it’s not working,” the politician argued.

“They live in their area, and they feel the area is their own. And when the police arrive, they feel they are you intruding into their, sort of, ‘country.’ The police… who work in these areas, there have to be in two cars, one protecting the other. People are trying to maintain buildings, to have security guards, the fire department can’t work, they get attacked by angry immigrant youth that feel like they’re intruding into their own area, even though they’re trying to help,” Abramsson went on to say.
It is true, Sweden has bought the multiculturalist line hook, line and sinker and the result is on display before the world as negative social mood engulfs a fragmented society.

And finally, Islamic fanatics wielding meat cleavers butcher a British soldier in London
‘This British soldier is an eye for an eye a tooth for tooth. We apologise that women had to see this today, but in our lands our women have to see the same.’

In footage screened by ITV News, he added: ‘You people will never be safe. Remove your government. They don’t care about you.

‘You think David Cameron is going to get caught in the street when we start busting our guns? You think your politicians are going to die? No, it’s going to be the average guy like you – and your children.

‘So get rid of them – tell them to bring our troops back so we can ... so you can all live in peace.’

......The man, known only as James, said he and his partner saw two black men attack a young man aged around 20 in a Help for Heroes T-shirt like he was ‘a piece of meat’.

Fighting back tears, he told LBC Radio: ‘They were hacking at this poor guy, literally. They were chopping him, cutting him. These two guys were crazed. They were just animals.

'They dragged him from the pavement, dumped his body in the middle of the road and left (it) there.’

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