

First Sweden, Now England: Will This Be The Summer of Reaction?

Things are heating up now and the public is fired up. In Sweden, the police did nothing to stop immigrant rioters, but came out in force to arrest Swedes trying to defend property. In England, the government first let in millions of immigrants because they hated their own people. This hatred is also reflected in the law, which allows Muslims to call for violence against British people, but which punishes British people for simply saying they do not like immigration, such as Emma West or the 85-year old grandmother who yelled outside a mosque, both of whom have been arrested. Emma West had her child taken away and faces state prosecution for ranting about her dislike of immigrants on a train.

Now it's all coming home to roost. I have previously said that when the Left calls every person to the right of open borders a racist, they also bring the real racists out from exile and into the mainstream of politics. The tide is starting to turn quickly in England.
Tensions on streets after slaughter of British soldier: War memorials defaced and mosque firebombed as EDL march on Westminster

It's too early to say if the situation will spiral out of control, but it's clear the average man on the street is disillusioned with the establishment in Sweden and the UK. Right-wing, anti-establishment parties are going to gain big from these events and may even be surpassed by farther right parties. I suspect we will see UKIP in England shift to the right as it becomes clear the public is fed up with the immigration policy. It could also devolve into violence because the public trust in government is sinking to new lows, they do not trust the police to act in the interests of the native population.

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