

More American Secession: Ignore At Your Own Peril

The thing to keep in mind when reading these stories is that times are relatively good right now. These news items will be a joke to most people, and in some ways they are because the economy is doing well. However, when the next recession comes or worse, the large indebted governments are going to be nothing but a predator on these areas. Right now, these areas feel disaffected from the rest of the state, but when the economy heads south, these areas will have an extremely powerful financial incentive to leave because it is the cities that will become money sinks. The true cost is hidden today because of the debt financing, but without debt, taxes will have to skyrocket to sustain welfare spending. Some rural regions of states will see their standard of living rise once the predation of the cities is lifted.

Northern California County Board Votes For Secession From State
A far Northern California county where residents have complained they lack representation at the state capitol wants to separate from California.

The Record Searchlight of Redding reports that the Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 on Tuesday in favor of a declaration for secession.

According to the newspaper, residents of the majority Republican county lobbied the board in August to consider secession. In addition to a lack of representation in Sacramento, they cited concerns about water rights and a rural fire prevention fee approved by the legislature.

Supporters want other rural counties in Northern California and Southern Oregon to join them in the creation of a new state

I recently posted on the issue due to a secession movement in Colorado gaining steam. American Secessionists Step It Up A Notch. I also posted a map of the U.S. showing county-by-county election results from the 2012 election and circled areas that either are, or will be, ripe for secession. Here it is again with an arrow on the Northern California region, right where I had two circles: one around the red California interior and one around the blue coastal region of Oregon and Washington.

I cannot emphasize this strongly enough: it will only take one successful effort to redraw the state lines for secession spread across the entire nation. It simply makes too much sense, politically, economically and geographically in many parts of the country. Negative social mood is the icing on the cake and secession itself will be a way to cheaply and rapidly restore domestic tranquility.

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