

Social Mood and Disease

The rise of drug resistant STDs is a socionomics two-fer. The increase of disease is a result of negative social mood, while the result of drug resistant STDs will lead to more conservative social and cultural values. The decline in mood that began in 2000 is still a long way from over.

CDC warns that gonorrhea on verge of being untreatable
Over the past thirty years in particular, gonorrhea has evolved to the point that there are very few treatments left (ceftriaxone along with either azithromycin or doxycycline) and now, it looks like its poised to get the best of those as well, which will mean those who contract the disease in the very near future will find that doctors have no way to cure them.

......Gonorrhea infections typically only last for a few weeks or months, in most cases the immune system eventually wins over (after the disease has caused sometimes irreparable damage). The same cannot be said for some other bacterial infections that may also soon become untreatable. For that reason, scientists around the world continue to scramble to find alternatives. In the meantime, the CDC is predicting that the spread of treatment-resistant gonorrhea is imminent, and because of that the country (and the rest of the world) will soon begin to experience widespread outbreaks.

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