

Negative Social Mood and Plague

Another feature of negative social mood are a greater number of disease outbreaks. Aside from slowly growing problems such as drug resistant bacteria and STDs, there's been a number of outbreaks recently. The most well known is the ongoing Ebola outbreak in Africa.

30,000 people quarantined in China after resident dies of pneumonic plague. The city was quarantined for 9 days.

3 more diagnosed with rare plague in Colorado. These four cases are tied to an infected dog.

Locally transmitted chikungunya virus detected in U.S.
The first two locally acquired cases of a painful mosquito-borne viral illness, chikungunya, have been reported in Florida, health officials confirmed on Thursday.

.......Symptoms surface within three to seven days after a bite from an infected mosquito and typically dissipate within a week. There is no vaccine and the virus is not deadly.

“It is not known what course chikungunya will take now in the United States,” the CDC said.
The virus is deadly. There are few fatalities when the infection rate is low, but if there's an epidemic here will be a significant number of deaths.

WHO: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome could be airborne
"These data show evidence for the presence of the airborne MERS in the same barn that was owned by the patient and sheltered the infected camels," the study authors said in a statement. However, doctors are still looking into the difference between dead and live virus particles and are unsure whether MERS can be transmitted through aerosols.

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