

Nuclear Fireball in Sky Is Cooling

Hundred-year period of increased solar activity coming to end
The engine of the space climate is the sun, which exerts is influence on its environment by emitting light and releasing solar wind, a stream of charged particles. Now a 100-year period of heightened solar activity is coming to an end.

......"Even though we study the sun extensively there's still much that we don't understand about it."

Changes in solar activity are generally thought to have only a minor impact on the climate on Earth.

Recent studies have, however, shown that changes to the solar cycle affect the weather in the North Atlantic as during the years of strong solar winds larger numbers of space particles enter the atmosphere where they can break up the ozone layer. This causes temperatures to rise in Northern Europe.

So far, solar activity has only been linked to the variation taking place during the 11-year solar cycles and studies do not yet provide answers to questions on how solar activity affects global warming.
I'm going with the historical record until there's an explanatory model that accounts for the Sun.

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