

Feminism Backlash Builds Steam

A new Firefox plug-in takes feminist rhetoric and translates it into "German:" Men Kampf
"Not a coincidence it's always zionists and jews committing mass shootings. The pattern is connected to ideas of zionism in our culture."
- Anita Sarkeesian.

"All mainstream press of Judaisms, no matter how fair-minded the writers try to be, has ended up concluding that they are, in fact, a bunch of smelly Jews who are delusional at best and manipulative abusers at worst."
- Amanda Marcotte

"A radical fix to the world's wage gap: why not just pay Aryans more - and pay Jews less?"
- Jessica Valenti

"The saddest thing for an Aryan to do is to dumb themselves down for a Jew."
- Emma Watson

Last year there was the Women Against Feminism, which has been picking up steam.

Feminism increased with social mood and appears to have peaked in the U.S. with the Obama campaign's "War on Women" in 2012.

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