

After ChiNext Who Gets Fried Next? 8 Charts to Understand Why You Should BTFD

Predicting the future through history: study the analogues!

September 19, 2000. There is a first gap, followed by the second gap.
Analogy is, K Line September 19, 2000, and K-line today is similar, but the next day to close out the candle. After the market to new lows after the formation of the bottom of the stage.

February 8, 2001. There is a first gap, followed by the second .
In February 2001 this wave of 8 January before the crash - the 9th, the main stock index fell the first trading day, the next day received a long lower shadow. This is the 2015 5 28th - the 29th similar.

Analogy is similar to the K-line February 8, 2001, and K-line today, the next day to close out the candle. After the market to new lows after the formation of the bottom of the stage

January 28, 2008. There is a first gap, followed by the second gap.
January 28, 2008, the main stock index fell two notches formed and fell again after the second covering the gap failed; the next day, the stock index to close positive. After the market to new lows. K line on January 28 of this year can be seen on June 25 - the 26th K-line combination.

August 31, 2009, stock index gapped fell, which is since 3478 a second upward gap; the next day, the stock index closing Yang and periodic bottom. After that, the main stock index covering the gap after the first double-dip recession. Analogy is, K-line August 31 and K-line today is similar.

May 17, 2010, stock index gapped fell, which since April 16 when the third gap; the next day, the stock index to close positive. Then, after the main stock index bottomed out only after the cabinet finishing.

In June 2013, "money shortage" caused the stock market crash, K Line and June 25th this year on June 24 that year - the 26th combined K similar line; the next day, the stock index deep V reversed, and the formation of the early bull market The important bottom.

Finally here's Shanghai and the ChiNext today.

The ChiNext is busted. The old trend is now resistance. For the Shanghai Comp, the author of the above thinks the neckline will hold.

iFeng: 大盘暴跌!别慌!8张图让你看清上证指数和创业板!

Bonus: Where to hide? At the bottom of the bottle.

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