

Breakdown of Law and Order in Europe

Europe is coming apart, as nations cannot control their borders and point fingers at each other for a migrant crisis that exists solely because they refuse to defend their borders. French protests have added to the chaos and turned Calais into a warzone of lawlessness.

Express: Calais goes UP IN FLAMES: Migrants fight to get into UK as ferry workers block harbour

“For lorry drivers trying to get to the UK it’s like a warzone. You’ve got people who have made in many cases very long and dangerous journeys to try to get to the UK who will stop at nothing to try to get on board.

“We recognise it’s a humanitarian crisis and a complex global situation and that these are human beings, but drivers’ lives are being put at risk by people who are so desperate they have no concern with their own safety and welfare and probably even less for the safety and welfare of the drivers.

“We are very, very concerned about the safety of our drivers and we fear it’s only a matter of time before someone is seriously injured or killed.”
Migrants have already made it to Europe, why do they keep going to the UK? They aren't refugees, since refugees stop once they get across the first safe border.

Guardian: The Calais migrant problem: a continual drip of poison in Anglo-French relations
French public opinion is deeply sensitive to the impact on Calais and the recent migrant deaths. No one knows this better than the Socialist interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, who was MP for Cherbourg, which has its own migrant problems along the coast. With the far-right Front National’s Marine Le Pen running in regional elections in the newly expanded Calais region this winter, the Calais question is likely to dominate local French politics all year.
The odds of the EU political project surviving are shrinking. If the EU does survive, it might be because UKIP, National Front, AfD, Law and Justice, Sweden Democrats, Northern League, Finns, Fidesz, et al are the majority parties.

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