

China Average Household Assets Climb 20% In Two Years, Housing 70% of Assets

"2015 Chinese household average asset growth of 20.2% compared with 2013, the largest increase in financial assets, up 59.4 percent." She said, results from the survey, household financial assets grew mainly from the growth in risk assets, especially equities and Finance product, compared with 2013, the stock rose 92.5 percent, while financial products is soaring to 198.5 percent. But Li Feng also pointed out that "this growth model is not sustainable, because the growth was mainly derived from the volatility of prices of financial assets and real estate."
Real estate is almost 70% of household wealth:
"This reflects our home equity liquidity is very weak. This and all the people have a sense of tradition related to real estate, but also that everyone's income is not too high, there is no more money to configure highly liquid financial assets , there is the Chinese people, financial awareness is not enough. "Bong told reporters in Chengdu Commercial Daily, the Chinese people's debt levels are much lower than the United States, indicating that financial services be improved.
While Chinese save a lot and buy homes, they don't do much more with their money. The stock market casino is a popular way to gamble, but most people aren't playing:
Meanwhile, Bong contrast to the US data, the Netherlands and the three countries of China, the United States and the Netherlands, family financial knowledge index were 75.3 and 78.8, while China is only 42
The 217 million people in China's middle class have average wealth of $127,000, which give it the highest total wealth in the world, but per capita it lags behind the U.S. and Japan:
Center findings show that Chinese middle-income families to 217 million the number of the adult population, average wealth of $ 127,000...

iFeng: 调查称中国家庭平均资产92万 房产占比近7成

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