

2015 Real Estate Big Change: Central Govt Now Calling for Price Cuts

The headline for this article on various changes in real estate this year highlights the government's call for price cuts.
Set the tone to the inventory of real estate developers, the central propaganda "price"

November 10 morning, the CPC Central Committee General Secretary and State President and CMC Chairman Xi Jinping, head of the Central Financial Work Leading Group in the Central Financial Work Leading Group eleventh meeting stressed that "to resolve the real estate stocks, promote the sustainable development of the real estate industry." It is first mentioned in the real estate industry since eighteen Xi Jinping, and set the tone for the real estate industry.

In mid-December, the Central Economic Work Conference will "to resolve the real estate inventory" as one of five major tasks of China's economic work in 2016, and has opened the household registration system reform, the development of the housing rental market, and other flavors "prescription." Where housing prices follow the market rules to encourage appropriate price, popular media attention. 20 years, this is the first direct meeting "propaganda" to encourage developers to cut prices.

But many industry insiders said publicly that the local land finance "chronic illness" under the high land prices, rising labor costs and other profit developers have been diluted, while lower prices could bring "trouble room", buyers wait exacerbate other negative effects, It will weaken the enthusiasm of developers to cut prices.

Excess inventory four or five lines city, in-migration, industrial hollowing background, still need to go through a long period of inventory to contradictions oversupply of property in order to gradually eased. (Hu Yi)
iFeng: 2015中国房地产大事记:中央喊话降房价

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