

Beijing and Shanghai Consider Real Estate Restrictions; Shenzhen Hikes Transaction Tax

iFeng: 京沪调研房价过快上涨问题 或出台抑制措施
Reporters learned from the NPC, recently Shanghai and other first-tier cities housing prices are research question and may be introduced disincentives. Inventory pressure away three or four-tier cities, is proceeding "because of the city facilities strategy," the idea to speed up inventory.

...Followed by the Department of Homeland Jiang Daming statement said, "We also note that, like Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, local governments have introduced a number of corrective measures, the Ministry will fully support it. We believe that, due to the local government city ​​Shi policy efforts, housing prices will stabilize. some people worry that first-tier cities land regulation will be reversed, urban development boundaries will be broken, it will not happen. "

...Shenzhen Mayor Xu Qin said that soaring housing prices in Shenzhen, the Shenzhen Municipal Government is studying regulatory policies to ensure that housing prices in a reasonable range. Carter, Shenzhen in March 15 introduced a new regulatory measures: second-hand housing transaction tax will increase by 50%.

...Under a series of combination punches, how first-tier cities the trend? Chen Gao said, "Now we have an important task is price stability tier cities and some second-tier cities." I believe the ability to stabilize the real estate market. Moreover, under a series of combination punches, first-tier cities have hot trend slowed down.
More on Chen's comments: 住建部:要稳定一线城市和部分二线城市房价
Chen Gao said, after the Spring Festival first-tier city home prices has undergone great changes, rising too fast. First-tier cities have taken the initiative to fulfill the main responsibility for regulation, we have taken many measures and ways: First, strict restriction policy, strict tax and monetary policies; the second is to increase the supply of land, and made public, stabilizing expectations; Third, increase the number of small and medium size supply, in particular improve the supply of affordable construction; fourth is to combat all illegal activities; Fifth, active voice, guide public opinion.

At the same time, the central ministries also spoke clear opinion. "Through these efforts, we check to see data through the network, we have received some results. After some second-tier cities Chinese New Year prices also rose too fast, we also pay close attention, ready to communicate. Now second-tier cities in this area have taken many measures to stabilize housing prices. "

Chen Gao said, in addition to price stability to do the work of first- and second-tier cities outside the part, but also do a good job of monitoring the price, at any time identify problems, propose countermeasures in a timely manner, and strive to maintain stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

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