

Secession Still in an Uptrend

Secession is a slow burning issue in some parts of the USA, an expression of the urban-rural political divide and larger political divide across the nation.

Pew: Despite Secession Talk, Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
In some areas of the country there is no organized effort to split from the U.S., just a feeling that “we’ve been left behind and no one cares about us,” said Dwayne Yancey, editorial page editor of The Roanoke Times who in March wrote what he called a “tongue in cheek” editorial, “Should Southwest Virginia secede from the rest of Virginia?”

“Historically we have felt left out, and a number of those issues are coming to a head,” Yancey said. Southwest Virginia is mostly rural, white and poor. Coal mining has declined dramatically, although the city of Roanoke has had a stable economy with Virginia Tech University and other employers, he said. Yet, the feeling is that the state Legislature in Richmond is “not doing right by us here.”
There are breakaway movements around the country, from New York to Maryland to California and perhaps soon, Virginia. Since changing the borders of states isn't as big of a change as leaving the union, this is more likely to be the first step if the secession movement keeps growing.

As for the breaking up, it's a relationship. People are dissatisfied and want a change, but they're not in the mood to break up. As mood declines, the desire to separate will intensify. On the current demographic trajectory, diversity in America and the attendant polarization that comes with it will also intensify. Those are the two ingredients needed for serious political movements to form.

Current polarization is a 2 or 3 on the historic scale and the Civil War might be a 6 or 7 compared to what is coming down the road for America.

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