

Huxley Was Right: Totalitarianism is Sweet

The threat from totalitarianism is greater than ever thanks to the blockchain and processing power.

The most fundamental argument against socialism and central planning is the lack of information. Planners do not have access to the information needed because it resides locally. At the most extreme, it lies in the heads of the consumers and business owners. One cannot maximize food production efficiency, for example, unless one knows what everyone will eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner over the next year. However, what if you have behavioral algorithms and access to various forms of media, including social media, to influence what people eat? What if you have real-time feed back from a public blockchain that shows you what people are buying? If the planner is instead the controller, centralized decision making not only becomes easier, but it becomes inevitable as the most centralized system will be the most efficient. Humans will be reduced to widgets as in Aldous Husley's Brave New World.

ZH: "Globalist Warning Signs Are There" - BIS Boss Outlines Central Bank Digital Currencies Vision
As the furore of Brexit gained in intensity last month, BIS General Manager Agustin Carstens gave a speech at the Central Bank of Ireland 2019 Whitaker Lecture. Under the heading, ‘The future of money and payments‘, Carstens mapped out what has been a long standing vision of globalists – namely, to acquire full spectrum control of the international financial system through the gradual abolition of what Bank of England governor Mark Carney has called ‘tangible assets‘ i.e. physical money.
Cash is encrypted. The planners don't know who has it at any given moment, or how much, or where it is headed. It shows up at entry and exit points in banks, but it doesn't have to show up at those points. The same is true of Bitcoin (but not a more encrypted currency such as Monero). If you use a bank account to buy it on an exchange, the government could trace your account and track your spending. They can't do that with cash unless they've electronically marked the bills. Cash and fully encrypted currencies/ledgers are going to be made illegal by evil governments because it prevents totalitarian central control.
Central to the vision for a fully digitised global economy is the intent to reform national payment systems. The UK uses the Real-time gross settlement (RTGS) system, which the majority of payments in Britain are facilitated through. The Bank of England’s Victoria Cleland has emphasised on numerous occasions that the ‘fundamental renewal‘ of the system is being carried out through choice rather than necessity. This would indicate that RTGS works fine in its current manifestation, but the BOE (along with the European Central Bank) have been tasked with assuming more control over their respective payment systems.

As Cleland has confirmed via several speeches, tests on a renewed RTGS have demonstrated that distributed ledger technology (DLT) has the capability to connect to it in the future. Blockchain is a form of DLT, and by extension blockchain works in conjunction with cryprocurrencies like Bitcoin. In February 2019, Cleland intimated that the previous intention to have finalised the RTGS reform by 2020 had been pushed back to 2025.
Although many in the cryptocurrency space believe in human liberty, they are unwittingly creating a system for totalitarian control:
It becomes apparent that two tranches of reform – to payment systems and to how money is used – are in the process of being carried out simultaneously.

In previous articles I have talked about how globalists invariably utilise the vehicle of gradualism when it comes to implementing changes within the financial system. The BIS themselves raised the subject in their final quarterly report of 2017. When seeking to centralise economic power further, central banks work by stealth. It can take many years, even decades, for a plan to become reality.
Fully encrypted currency allows users to avoid political persecution. Anything less is an opening for totalitarian control. If you can't/don't have fully encrypted digital transactions, then you must have off-blockchain money, be it paper rectangles, precious metal or wooden nickels.

Centralization will grow out of a centralized repository of information. The government will first take over the banking system:
For globalists to gain full control of the financial system, the ability of citizens to hold their money anonymously must end. The strawman arguments in favour of this happening have already been planted within the media – from illicit financing of terrorism to money laundering. Concerted efforts are being made to encourage people to look upon those who prefer to deal in cash with suspicion. When you narrow it down, being able to trace and track every single payment, which is currently not possible if you opt to pay with cash, is the goal here. Therefore, eliminating the choice of using banknotes and coins is essential.

Equally disturbing is the use of interest rates under a CBDC system. Right now, if you hold physical money, it is not vulnerable to a fluctuation in rates. Money held in a bank account, however, is susceptible. Even so, it can easily be transferred to one that offers a better rate, or can ultimately be withdrawn altogether in favour of holding the money in your hand. With CBDC’s, you would be locked in. Positive rates would continue to pay you interest. But what about if rates turned negative throughout the banking system? In this scenario you would be charged for holding your money with the bank, with no way of counteracting such measures.

In short, the loss of anonymity and exposure to negative rates would mean servitude to the banking system. Short of transferring assets into precious metals, it would leave citizens with no means of escape.

Carstens goes on to suggest that central banks could one day offer deposit accounts, bypassing traditional commercial banks.
Governments don't need to push very hard for the adoption of digital currencies. In many cases, the people who are most vocal about protecting human liberty are at the forefront of building the walls of this prison. Unless there is a fully encrypted and decentralized digital currency/blockchain, the only way to protect liberty will be through preserving the most encrypted form of legal tender: cash. That will require political organization, not an army of coders. As the Internet turned into 24/7 blanket surveillance and Social Credit in China, so will blockchain become an even more thorough form of centralized control in the future where ever the political system allows it. And where it is most difficult to implement, it will not be imposed, but sold with candy. People will willingly sign over their freedom for the convenience and small savings/income boost afforded by giving up all control over their economic life.

Related: Universal Basic Income is the Bribe For You To Accept Totalitarian Control
The greatest concentration of central banking power is really the bit their aiming at, that's the central banks' goal. And, of course, digital accounts of dissenters and regime critics could be switched off, it would be very difficult to even purchase necessities. This is an Orwellian dystopia of total control, the end of any freedoms, that's really what central banks are aiming at.

Some central banks like the Bank of England have already prepared their microchip implant RFID chip to be implanted under your skin. And why the sudden discussion about Universal Basic Income from all the "grassroots" and inverted commas movements and billionaires. Universal Basic Income is the bribe for you to accept the microchip.

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