

China BigTech Fully Implements Social Credit Infrastructure to Fight Coronavirus

Chinese Internet giants are using the social credit infrastructure to fight coronavirus.

Nasdaq: China seeks help of national tech giants to track coronavirus with QR codes
On Wednesday, Alipay, the payment app operated by Alibaba's financial division Ant Financial, released a feature in collaboration with the government that assigns a coloured QR code representing the health of residents in Hangzhou.

Users in the city fill out an online form reporting their ID number, whether they have travelled outside Hangzhou recently, and any symptoms they might have that suggest an illness, such as fever or a heavy cough.

After filling out the questionnaire, users receive a colour-based QR-code, a type of barcode, on their mobile phones indicating their health status.

Users with a red code are instructed to remain quarantined for 14 days and provide regular check-ins via DingTalk, a workplace chat app also run by Alibaba.

Users with a yellow code are instructed to stay inside for 7 days, while users with a green code may travel freely.
The system is currently fragmented by city.
Caixin: 浙江率先破解复工难 杭州以报备代替审批
When applying for a health code on Alipay, the reporter found that the data including the recent address, whereabouts, history of contact, and current health status came from the user's initiative to declare. At present, the health code data of various cities and counties in Zhejiang are not interlinked and need to be separated.

...From 00:00 on February 17th, Hangzhou's public transportation and road passenger transportation have been fully resumed. Both the driver and the driver need to use the health green code to register and activate the QR code on the taxi. Passengers are required to cooperate with the scan code to ensure the driver and driver information. Truly traceable.
Anyone think this system will go away after coronavirus? The next phase will be removing cash from the economy such that it is impossible to engage in economic activity without a QR-code or similar account.

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