

Interest in Precious Metals Returns to China

iFeng has a whole section dedicated to precious metals. 黄金白银暴涨

Here's an article from that section, discussing silver's 90 percent rise in 4 months. I ends with a warning for leveraged traders: 白银价格惊天暴涨超90%!仍在历史高点“半山腰”上 为何疯狂暴走?
It is worthy of investors' attention that although the future trend of silver prices is still optimistic, the recent rise in silver prices has triggered the speculation of leveraged funds. According to statistics, the incremental funds of various silver ETFs and other financial derivatives around the world have poured into 1.5 billion US dollars in the past two days. Therefore, especially traders who have participated in leveraged trading and margin trading, need to be alert to the trading risks caused by short-term shocks .

Another discusses the gains Chinese aunties will have thanks to their dip-buying that started in 2013: 涨疯了!黄金、白银携手上热搜,金价创9年新高!中国大妈解套了
Chinese aunts all solved the problem and made a lot of money

In April 2013, the international gold price experienced a rare sharp drop in history. As of the end of May 2013, the price of gold had dropped to US$1386.4 per ounce.

At this time, Chinese aunts quickly entered the market and hunted down the gold price.

Statistics show that they bought 300 tons of gold at an average price of about US$1,300 per ounce. This move even supported the market in the short term, and allowed gold prices to rebound. It also allowed national buyers to witness the purchasing power of Chinese aunts.

However, this wave of bargaining has been copied halfway through the mountain.

Since then, the international gold price has fallen all the way. As of the end of 2015, the international gold price reached 1060.24 US dollars per ounce. That is to say, the Chinese aunt who bought gold in April 2013 suffered a loss of about 30%.

Subsequently, the aunt seemed to disappear, but the price of gold has been rebounding.

In the two time periods from June to the end of September 2016 and from January to April 2018, the price of gold once rushed to the $1,300/ounce point, and the market had opportunities for understanding.

In January 2019, the gold market became warmer and once again stood at US$1,300 per ounce. Since May 2019, the price of gold has been in a shocking upward state, and the monthly trend of COMEX spot gold is very sharp.

In other words, if Chinese aunts have been holding gold, they will not only be able to solve the problem, but also gain a lot.
The article also discusses why gold and silver are rising. It points the finger at the weaker dollar and excessive money creation in Europe and the USA. Of note, it doesn't mention Chinese credit creation at all. The avoidance of words such as yuan and People's Bank of China is conspicuous.

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