

Anti-American "Elites" Set the Country Up for Civil War

People who love their nation do not flood it with foreigners, ship workers' jobs overseas and send their children to die in fruitless wars on distant shores. American was taken over by a hostile, foreign elite- in the literal sense of being foreigners in some cases, in the sense of considering themselves foreigns despite being native born (unassimilated) American, but mostly being beholden to foreign, anti-American ideology. Their war upon America has gone on for generations, turning the institutions against the nation itself. Now this conflict has reached the end game where the native American people have no choice but to overthrow this entire regime.

Immigration will collapse and will likely become net emigration from the United States, either because a pro-American government takes over or because the violence caused by these policies explodes. Why are black Americans protesting? What is the root cause of their trouble? It is mass immigration. Low skill immigration has flooded the country since 1965. Back then there were black neighborhoods with black owned businesses. Now many of those neighborhoods are no longer black, and the businesses are run by Koreans, Indians, and others. Illegal immigrants and legal low skill immigrants pushed low skilled workers out of jobs. The bottom rungs of the ladder were chopped off. The establishment wants to use black anger for its own purpose, to incite racial conflicts and solidify their control over the nation in the process. They do not want ordinary Americans, the majority of whom want less immigration, uniting and driving up labor costs. They do not want to face a unified front of Americans who turn on their hostile, foreign "elites."

No matter who wins in 2020 there will be escalating violence unless social mood suddenly turns up. If the establishment wins, violence will soar in the coming decade because they will pursue the absolute worst policies, such as more mass immigration. See: Prepare for Chaos: Voters Still Have No Idea on Mass Migration. The quality of life for American citizens who think themselves immune to bad policy will start plunging and eventually the violence that started with BLM will spread into every corner of the nation.

This article below isn't so much an understanding of what is coming, but more of a "Yes, we're gonna do this to you" message. Civil war is coming. Whether it is kinetic or unfolds as a long cold war of political maneuvering is hard to say, but it is coming because there are two opposite visions of government, society, religion and culture. They can no longer co-exist. Diversity is not a recipe for unity, it is a reciple for balkanization and conflict.

The Atlantic: Why the 2020s Could Be as Dangerous as the 1850s

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