

Totalitarianism is Coming Back, Greens Want to Measure How Much Sin is in Each Product

Totalitarianism is coming back via blockchain technology because it gives central planners a new lease on life. A major drawback of central planning (and socialism) is the lack of economic information. If everything is on-chain, however, there's far more information for central planners. In their minds, the information problem may be solved. With body sensors on the way, it's possible for the state to monitor the location of all citizens. If the state says to exercise for 30 minutes per day and you do not, it could punish you. If it has total location data, it could regulate daily interactions. A state like Iran could punish anyone who doesn't go to mosque. A feminist or chivalrous society could fine men who do, or do not, hold the door for a woman. It could get into micromanagement of individual behavior and tax or fine people for violating the state's mandate. These are extreme examples, but many companies are already working on implementing green religion into the economy by tracking the carbon emissions of commodities. This video is cued to the relevant discussion:
Technology can be used for good or ill. It can help Man create or enslave, depending on the laws, religion and customs under which they are governed.

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