

Georgia Legislators Lose Employment Over Voter Protection Law

No sympathy for anyone in power getting wiped out because they didn't lift a finger when it happened to others. Townhall: Cancel Culture Comes to Georgia and Comes for Me
Last week, in a span of 24 hours, my reputation and business were destroyed by a series of tweets in which The Lincoln Project knowingly lied about me. Among other things, they falsely accused me of trying to “suppress voters and people” in several tweets that also tagged my employer and several of its well-known clients. The goal was to cancel me and inflict as much harm as possible, and they succeeded. Unfortunately, disgusting tactics like these are becoming the norm and the truth does not seem to matter anymore.

The truth is that I co-sponsored and voted for bi-partisan Georgia Senate Bill 62, which provides ballots in the state of Georgia to have a watermark, seal, and other security elements to include the precinct number—which are best practices. I did not sponsor or vote in favor of other recent bills in Georgia that sought to limit no excuse absentee balloting and reduce weekend voting. As a matter of fact, some groups attacked me for not supporting these other measures. My record is crystal clear. I believe voting is a sacred right and should be available, transparent, and secure for all citizens. I am proud of my work in this area.

The fact that I serve in elected office does not justify what happened to me. I am also a husband and father, as well as a source of income for my family and many other people who worked for me in the private sector. In Georgia, we are a citizen’s legislature and considered part-time. I do not earn my living serving as a state Senator. In fact, I donated my $17,000 a year salary to charity. I earned a living in business. I worked with incredible people, built a great team, and we were very successful.

Hilarious that the pedophile project is still getting people canceled. Let that sink in for a moment. A corrupt political PAC headed by a pedophile has the power to remove state legislators from their private employment. There is no "threat" in the future. You're living it.

Vox explains why there's no sympathy from the right-wing for those being canceled.

VD: The cucks cry

Even after being successfully canceled, conservatives still don't learn. They would rather cry about "disgusting tactics" to the enemy media rather than author a fucking law to do something about it. But those "disgusting tactics" are not becoming the norm, they are the norm. They were becoming the norm back in 2005 when people like me were being attacked by the SFWA and the ADL, with the full approval of conservatives who were more than happy to distance themselves from "extremists" and "nationalists" and "supremacists".

Don't ever support a conservative. There is absolutely no point in doing so. They don't fight. They will never fight, not even when their backs are up against the wall. They permitted the weaponization of social media by making the technology companies legally unaccountable under Section 230 and their own literally blasphemous free speech dogma.

I see that people sometimes wonder why the Left keeps pushing its agenda when so many conservative Americans are armed.

It's because they know perfectly well that all those conservatives are ever going to do is issue dire warnings and wag their fingers about the possibility that someone else is eventually going to do something about it.

Only last month, Texas Governor Greg Abbott attacked Gab, an alternative social media platform for right-ewwingers who were canceled by Twittet and Facebook.

Gab: Addressing Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s Statement About Gab

Tonight Texas Governor Greg Abbott, a “Republican,” issued a despicable and false statement smearing Gab as an “anti-semitic platform that quote “has no place in Texas.” This is the same Gov. Abbott who just five days ago said he was “taking a stand against Big Tech censorship.”

Gov. Abbott’s statement will likely not sit well with the nearly 800,000 Texans who have visited in the past 24 hours alone. What is even more strange is that the Texas GOP itself is on Gab with a verified account.

Gab is not an “anti-semitic” platform. We protect the political speech of all Americans, regardless of viewpoint, because in this age of cancel culture nobody else will. That means unpopular viewpoints may be found on the site.

The enemies of freedom smear us with every name in the book because they hate America and they hate free speech. It’s a shame to see a GOP politician fall for this trap when conservative values are under sustained attack all over the country.

There is near zero representation for right-wing Americans in government. Even the top leaders in the GOP are all too happy to get Woke and shoot their own side in the back. This makes it clear again why Trump went from joke to president in 18 months and why that's likely to happen again, because things have only gotten worse. Trump solved nothing. This is now the consolidation phase of the game where rigth-wing Americans are turned into Dalits and the left implements a full authoritarian system that puts them in the same position as the CCP in China.

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