

Do Fact Checkers Work for Satan? Covid Lies Coming Fast and Furious

Media use mannequins to fake crowded ERs: CBC Edmonton news report featuring a mannequin was filmed at a training facility, not in a hospital Intensive Care Unit
A news report released by CBC Edmonton on how an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) operates which featured a mannequin and was later used for other stories aired on the channel was not filmed inside an ICU and is not evidence that the pandemic is a “scam” despite claims made online.
Note the fake fact check here. The media faked a report and people noticed it was a scam, so the "fact checkers" invent the lie that people claim the pandemic is a scam. It's lies all the way down.

Spectator: Covid, lockdown and the retreat of scientific debate

The BMJ article urges people to use ‘political and legal strategies’ rather than scientific argument to counter our views on the pandemic. It also calls for people to adhere to the ‘scientific consensus’ as represented by a Memorandum published by the Lancet, a document that questions natural immunity after Covid disease, despite a recent Israeli study suggesting it could be stronger than vaccine protection.

What is there to say? Because of political strategies using slander and ad hominem attacks, many physicians and scientists have been reluctant to speak out despite their reservations about pandemic policies. The error-strewn attacks in BMJ demonstrate what awaits academics who do challenge prevailing views.

That such an article was published exemplifies the decay in standards of scientific journals. Open and honest discourse is critical for science and public health. As scientists, we must now tragically acknowledge that 400 years of scientific enlightenment may be coming to an end. It started with Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei and René Descartes. It would be tragic if it would end up as one of the many casualties of this pandemic.

Magical thinking is a sign of negative social mood. Anti-scientific beliefs are held all across society, more so among the ruling class than among the average people.
The rate of covid infection is higher among the vaccinated.
The vaccine has still be reducing deaths, but for how long if the antibodies keep fading? That's why the booster shots will never end. I pray they do not end up causing ADE in the end.

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