

Dark Matter Going Away

Because it never existed. VP: The last laugh
In this paper, Ludwig presents a new model for the rotational curves of galaxies which is in agreement with previous efforts involving general relativity. The researcher demonstrates that even though the effects of gravitomagnetic fields are weak, factoring them into models alleviates the difference between theories of gravity and observed rotational curves -- eliminating the need for dark matter. The theory still needs some development before it is widely accepted, with the author particularly pointing out that the time evolution of galaxies modelled with this framework is a complex problem that will require much deeper analysis. Ludwig concludes by suggesting that all calculations performed with thin galactic disk models performed up until this point may have to be recalculated, and the very concept of dark matter itself, questioned.
You simply have to laugh at the complete lack of credibility and self-awareness on the part of these scientists. They blithely shift between estimating that dark matter accounts for 23 percent and 85 percent of all matter in the universe without ever stopping to think that this variance means that their base model is almost guaranteed to be fundamentally wrong.

And this is why it is vital to distinguish between actual scientody and the parade of groundless assumptions and backdated mathematical models that are the basis for scientistry.

Science is the pursuit of truth. Any time scientists start talking about consensus, they're not doing science. I do not know how anyone can trust climate science enough to be making decisions with costs running into the tens and hundreds of trilions of dollars given the lack of predictive ability in the models. Physics remains one of the top fields. Modern society thinks it is rational, but is it more irrational than medieval societies because it lacks the grounding of Truth. Faith in science has replaced religion, but not a science dedicated to Truth, rather a science run by priests (scientists). "Follow the science" is a cheap imitation of oracles, seers and witch doctors. Society deludes itself and doesn't see the extremely superstitious ruling class. Social mood is extremely negative, masked by the popular delusions of the day.

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