

Democrats and GOPe Ready to Legalize Indentured Servants for Farmers, Allowing Them to Sell Citizenship for Profit

Who cares about the 13th Amendment? Modern slavery is Woke! Under a new bill, farmers will be able to sell citizenship to foreign farm workers. That isn't an overstatement. Considering the value of a green card as evidenced by programs such as the EB-1 visa, I have no doubt we might eventually hear stories about scammers who send agents abroad to sell guest worker slots to foreigners who wull then be working for farmers at a negative wage, once the cost of buying the job are factored in.

NumbersUSA: House to Vote on Two Major Amnesties this Thursday: H.R. 6 and H.R. 1603

The Farm Workforce Modernization Act (H.R. 1603) would grant amnesty to more than 1 million alien farmworkers and their family members. Just as troubling, it would also replace the existing agriculture guest worker program with a new one that amounts to what can only be described as indentured servitude. Farmers would be able to sponsor guest workers, and if they work a certain number of hours over a set period of time, workers may receive a green card.

Together, the two bills would grant amnesty to more than 5 million illegal aliens while doing nothing to prevent the kind of massive border surges that Border Patrol agents currently face.

In a disappointing turn of events, Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-Wash.) lead ten GOP cosponsors on the horrific farm amnesty, H.R. 1603.

The other Republicans supporting the farm amnesty include Reps. Elisa Stefanik (NY), Mark Amodei (NV), Mario Diaz-Balart (FL), Doug LaMalfa (CA), Cathy McMorris Rogers (WA), Mike Simpson (ID), Fred Upton (MI), David Valadao (CA), and Jeff Van Drew (NJ), a former Democrat who switched parties in 2019.

Amazing that this is being done in the midst of mass unemployment, with more than 10 million unemployed. We're deep into 1789 territory with the current ruling class.

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