

Editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association Outed as Nazi

The editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) has been outed as a far-right Nazi who probably has an secet social media account with a frog or anime avatar.

The Blaze: Editor of prestigious medical journal fired for denying that structural racism exists in medicine

A deputy editor of one of America's most prestigious medical journals was fired over statements he made expressing skepticism about structural racism in medicine on a podcast that has since been deleted.

..."Structural racism is an unfortunate term," said Livingston on the podcast. "Personally, I think taking racism out of the conversation will help. Many of us are offended by the concept that we are racist."

There's zero evidence anyone in the ruling class will halt this madness. If a top-down solution is impossible, then a bottom-up one emerges. That is happening now. Increasigly, people are no longer offended by being called racist. They hear it on the news and laugh. They assume the speaker is a liar. They assume every "hate crime" is a hate hoax. Teenagers spraypaint swastikas or words like "nigger" to set their communities on fire. (I've seen this as the top story on a local news cast, have you?) The risk with this route is you can't distinguish between genuine racists, people who no longer care and trolls looking to set off the authorities, which only intensifies the neurotic paranoia of the "systemic racism" witchhunters because they're the dumbest, least discerning group at the table. And that's how you get 4chan inventing "racist" symbols that get ordinary people fired from their job: California man fired over alleged white power sign says he was cracking his knuckles. Both woke insanity and the building response are accelerating along their collision course.

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