

SARS2 Was Manufactured, And the Ruling Class Knows It

Gateway Pundit: BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Location of Origin of COVID-19 Pandemic Identified – Between Two of China’s Biological Warfare Facilities in Wuhan

There's some new pieces of information in the article, but this is the main bit. The picture shows data pulled from Weibo. The dark areas show the location data of people who sought help on a dedicated channel for the unidentified pneumonia/coronavirus. The data is from before January 18. It shows a dense cluster not at the seafood market, but between the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV, black star) and the Biological Preparations Institute of the China Biology Technology Group (BPI, yellow square).

The evidence keeps pushing towards a lab accident as the cause of the pandemic. Then next question is what it manufactured by scientists as a bioweapon, as part of gain-of-function research, or was it a natural virus that escaped? Given what we know about research being done, the most likely scenario is gain-of-function research.

Most Western governments are run by a spineless ruling class, if not a treasonous one. They are getting rich selling off their nations to China. Many hate the native people. Every decision is designed to immiserate them, expose them to deadly pathogens, crush their political and economic power. There is no way they will reveal the truth about the virus and even if they did, it would probably only come about if their power was being threatened. Whipping up a war against China would be the last ditch effort for this criminal cabal. In their defense, it's hard to imagine what the public would demand if it was properly informed of the origin of the virus. The main cause of the disaster was lockdown policies, not the virus itself, an entirely self-imposed error by the ruling class. There's near zero-percent probability of a clear understanding of what happened along with a just assignment of responsibility.

Of course, given prevailing social mood, there is a rising threat of the entire order being overturned. If someone ran for office on the idea that this is in fact manfactured and escaped from China, the American ruling class knows it, covered it up and used this as a power grab, it would be the type of issue that could overthrow the entire regime in a single election cycle (6 years in the USA). Throw in the Biden adminstratioin mposing teh worst possible immigration policies at a time of even more negative social mood and in the midst of a pandemic releasing covid-positive migrants into the population. The factors that produced Trump in 2016 are far more powerful today. A far more radical right-wing candidate can emerge in 2024. Potential volatility is high and rising.

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