

The Essence of Anarcho-Tyranny: America's Woke Military Stand By as Carjackers Murder an Uber Driver

This video is graphic. It shows the absolute mayhem going on in "Woke" American cities. It also shows the National Guard were on the scene. They are clueless bystanders doing nothing in Washington, D.C. except provide theater for the politidal establishment's tyrannical takeover of the levers of power. They are there to help create the narrative of a threat from rural whites and Trump voters, one that allows for a domestic Patriot Act to crush political dissent. Meanwhile, for the citizens of D.C., there is murder and mayhem. This is the essence of Anarcho-Tyranny. Anarchy as lawbreaks are protected by law, be they criminals or illegal aliens. Tyranny for law abiding citizens, be it lockdowns, mask laws, gun control, vaccine passports, etc. Your children cannot go to school, but illegal alien children get free school on the border. You cannot visit DC because of "a threat" to the political establishment, but the threats to your life and property run wild in the streets. Repeat this across society and you can see the future if the Woke establishment isn't ejected from power. The media, governmental (including nearly all Democrats and most of the GOP estalishment) and educational instituions are all converged and controlled by Woke ideology, critical race theory, preogressivism, whatever you want to call it. It goes by many names to confse you and dissipate opposition into factions, but it is all united by the same evil impulses and false ideas that fueled communism and fascism in the 20th Century.

I will be surprised if Twitter doesn't take this video down. Not because it is graphic, but because it is destructive for the ruling class.

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