

They Hate You and Want You Dead

A meme from the far-right is slowly working its way into the conservative right and who knows if it will grow from there. It is phrased various ways, but the core message is that the Baizuo/leftists/Democrats hate America, hate you (normal Americans) and want you and your children dead. It's a toxic meme, but it is spreading because the news feed appears to confirm it.

The latest news item is from San Diego. American children are at home taking zoom classes because public school teachers (who are represented by left-wing teachers unions) refuse to teach in-person classes. American children are suffering from various mental ailments, hopefully temporary but who knows, from being separated from their friends and social life for more than a year. Some of those children have taken their lives out of despair. Meanwhile...Education program for migrant teens staying at the San Diego Convention Center

The migrant teenagers that are staying at the San Diego Convention Center will be provided an in-person educational program.

According to the San Diego County Office of Education, the educational program will include English language development and social-emotional learning opportunities.

In addition, teachers who participate in the program are doing so voluntarily, and the program will be following covid-19 screening protocols based on CDC guidelines.

Public school teachers who want to teach American children are forbidden by the government and teachers unions. Those who want to teach invading migrants can though. Migrant children are also being placed in foster homes, ahead of American children. There are tent cities in cities run by leftists, the streets are filling with homeless, but leftists instead give aid to invaders pouring over the borders.

This comes on the heels of the U.S. National Guard troops helping homicidal carjackers out of car they used to murder an Uber driver. It comes as murder rates soar across American cities because leftists "defunded" the police.

Lockdowns, shipping jobs and wealth overseas, replacing American workers with H1-B visas holders, pumping children and the mentally ill with hormones, letting murderers out of prison earlier, at every turn it seems like you could apply the meme.

I live in a "blue" part of America. This is an area where you almost never see a sign for a Republican presidential candidate. Not only were there many (compared to before) Trump flags and signs during the election, but most of them are still up. I don't know if this represents that Trump voters are fed up and don't care about social pressure anymore or if it signals a shift in the general population. It's more likely the former, but even average Democrats who go along with their side's narrative are getting fed up with lockdowns, crime, closed public schools, etc.

Additoinally, the recent "Asian American hate" campaign that blames "white supremacy" is having a reverse impact as Asian Americans aren't buying it. Maybe they'll go back to sleep; this isn't a new story. From 2010 in San Francisco: Dirty secret of black-on-Asian violence is out. From summer 2020: This is what Black on Asian crime looks like. A generation of Americans have been taught that the race of people invovled is very important. If you apply the logic of Wokeness and Critical Race Theory, instead of a crime problem in the black community you see an organized hate campaign. There is no logic in Wokeness and Critical Race Theory though. They have a rule: all problems are caused by white people, whiteness, white privilege and white supremacy. But if people abandon that rule without returning to the Christian and American concept of the individual, very bad ideas could start percolating in minority communities because Wokeism and CRT both absolve them of guilt and, ironically, silence minority voices who break from the routine. It would not surprise me in the least if a very bad reaction to Wokeism and Critical Race Theory emerges from the Asian or Hispanic demographic, if someone takes the right's concept of the leftists hating them and mixes it into a new racial animus.

The position of the ruling class in America seems impregnable today. It has the Capitol under military control and proposes domestic spy powers, a Patriot Act for political dissidents, that could be passed by Congress and signed into law. It is also very fragile because if any group within its coalition gets fed up with the crime, violence and lockdowns, or if any groups demand that they are "more equal than others" it can all come crashing down. And this growing meme on the right is exactly the type of thinking that leads to "1776" and "1789" moments when an entire ruling class is overthrown.

The crime surge in America is an accelerated repeat of the 1960s and 1970s. Then too, it started with riots and turned into a generational crime wave. America resembles a police state today in part because of the public's response to how leftists ran American cities in the 1970s and 1980s. In the 1980s, right-wingers used the term "bleeding heart liberal" to describe their opponents. They meant well, but they were "soft on crime." They didn't have the right character needed in government and political leaders. The stakes are much higher today with a polarized electorate. Today, the meme is not a general opposition to left-wing opponents, but focused on the ruling class itself: "they hate you and want you dead." Ordinary Americans watching from the sidelines, afraid to speak out against Wokeness and CRT, who allowed this toxic narrative to spread into schools, will be powerless to stop the toxic response. The ruling class' plan is paint the response as the problem. They double down on Wokeness and CRT. Time is running out as America crashes headlong into a confrontation between its toxic ruling class and the "Toxic Avengers" it is creating.

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