

Why Aren't All Major Media Banned from Social Media?

Glenn Greenwald: How Do Big Media Outlets So Often "Independently Confirm" Each Other's Falsehoods?
There were so many false reports circulated by the dominant corporate wing of the U.S. media as part of the five-year-long Russiagate hysteria that in January, 2019, I compiled what I called “The 10 Worst, Most Embarrassing U.S. Media Failures on the Trump-Russia Story.” The only difficult part of that article was choosing which among the many dozens of retractions, corrections and still-uncorrected factual falsehoods merited inclusion in the worst-ten list. So stiff was the competition that I was forced to omit many huge media Russiagate humiliations, and thus, to be fair to those who missed the cut, had to append a large “Dishonorable Mention” category at the end.

That the entire Russiagate storyline itself was a fraud and a farce is conclusively demonstrated by one decisive fact that can never be memory-holed: namely, the impetus for the scandal and subsequent investigation was the conspiracy theory that the Trump campaign had secretly and criminally conspired with the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 election, primarily hacking into the email inboxes of the DNC and Clinton campaign chief John Podesta. And a grand total of zero Americans were accused (let alone convicted) of participating in that animating conspiracy.

The media and USG are a giant lying circle jerk. Plant fake stories in the press (or the press invents them). Assume the lying press is authoritative, thus "confirming" the lies. Corrupt USG officals (but I repeat myself) can then go to judges and obtain warrants for spying on Americans because "WaPo/NYTimes said so." It's a corrupt farce. The whole of media aside from a few outliers like Greenwald should be ejected from civilized society.

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