

If America Doesn't Expel Its Ruling Class, South Africa is Its Future

If you're wondering what the future of America looks like, look to South Africa. This is inevitable. Inevitable because the current ruling class only maintains power by setting one race against another. A solid third of the nation, including most of the ruling class, not only see nothing wrong with critical race theory, but think it is actually good. Similar ideas exist in South Africa and you can see them bearing fruit. The battle over CRT is only a battle though, because it isn't so much a theory, an acadmemic idea, as what the ruling class believes. Think of CRT more like the Immaculate Conception. Imagine a big group of Catholics were teaching this in public schools all over the USA. A lot of people want it banned because it is religious, but many public school teachers are Catholics teaching all sorts of Christian theology, moreover while the various Protestant sects unite against IC being taught, they're also teaching Christian theology and are actually 90 percent aligned with the Catholics. The fight over IC would be a great kabuki theater for the Christian takeover of the public schooling system. Similarly, what is called "wokeness" is the new religion of the godless American pagans, with original sins such as being born white and penance such as defunding the police. America's ruling class is anti-American, anti-white (if you're not aligned with them) and anti-Christian because it cannot abide competing religion.

The racial rot is so deep that even right-wingers believe in the core ideas behind wokeness. Here is a book review from Law and Liberty: Telling the Hardest Truths about Race

Today we are bombarded with arguments about “systemic racism.” Those on the left insist that most the American institutions are inherently racist. Those on the right claim we have purged racism from our public institutions. Seldom does one hear a cogent explanation of what “systemic racism” means. In his final chapter Murray offers this useful distinction: “Many of the problems are systemic, but they will not be solved by going after racism. They will be solved, or ameliorated, by going after systemic educational problems, systemic law enforcement problems, systemic employment problems.” Murray makes a convincing case that we cannot begin to address these educational, economic, and law-enforcement problems without facing the two “truths” that he describes.

Another way of saying this is that half a century after the civil rights revolution of the 1960s, we continue to grapple with the long-term consequences of centuries of slavery, Jim Crow, and racial discrimination.

It goes without saying that improving on these problems requires wholesale rejection of the concept of racism. But why do otherwise intelligent people believe nonsense like the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow? A comparison of test scores and crime rates across the globe shows similar differences between European, East Asian, African and South American societies. The differences we see around the globe are imported into the USA by immigration. Look at the data through this lens and one can see America is already an ultra "anti-racist" society because the outcomes for most its racial and ethnic groups is better than in their homelands.

The idea of racism sticks around because it is good propaganda, nobody likes being called racist, and to accept racial differences at the group level is to be a "racist." Additionally, many people believe Blank Slate theory that assumes humans are not products of evolution or culture, or even simply different, but are merely chemical computers produced like widgets in some factory, all with the same abilities, temperment, intelligence, athleticism, etc. Common sense says people have distinct traits, and these traits are inheritable because they run in families, and that ethnicities are large extended families, and racial groups even larger families. Pluck an individual from any group and you may have some stereotypes about them, but really nothing to judge them by except themselves. To condemn or praise them for their group membership would be bigotry. However, that is what the ruling class of America does. It condemns the nation and the entire category of "white people" aka Christians, Americans who fly the American flag, etc. as "racists." Unforunately, even if most people accepted that the ruling class were the bigots, until the lie of the Black Slate is refuted, they would likely fall back down the hole because they'd be at a loss to explain why there are group-level differences in various life outcomes. More pressingly, America will never defeat the ruling class currently hurtling the nation towards civil war.

However, defeating racism as a concept also means "going to war" with the ruling class. Racism has become their raison d^etre along with climate change. If America doesn't have a racism problem (and if climate change is overstated), then it has a ruling class problem. Institutions such as the Democrat and Republican parties, nearly all universities and media outlets, along with public schools and most of government are filled with people who should not be in those institutions. Moreover, the public cannot discern fact from fiction. The ruling class already calls secure elections, math, Christianity and the nuclear family "racist" and "white supremacy." They are already fighting a "race war" against the American people.

The difference between South Africa and the USA is a few decades. Demographically, the U.S. is still dominated by whites, but they are already a minority group if we count by children. When today's 5 year olds grow up, they will live in a non-white USA. The glue that held the nation together will be gone and, at the current trend, racial identity politics will take over. Unlike tribal South Africa, whites will remain a major cohort. America probably won't break down all over, but localized collapses will happen because whites will flee and form racially homogenous communities. Assuming the left doesn't turn America into Zimbabwe or Rwanda, a white racial identity movement will make sure this happens and that the government must accept it to keep the nation functioning and united. Whole states will turn into something like Baltimore or Mexico and others will look like Vermont and Idaho do today. A key consideration for any family or businss should be where they are located in the United States. Are they surrounded by friends or enemies? Civilization will persist in pockets, elsewhere it disappear in an instant, perhaps never to return.

The secession movement has already started. Buckhead, a suburb of Atlanta, is moving to secede from the city: Buckhead secession group calls for emergency hearings over plan to leave Atlanta

Growing up in Israel, she saw a suicide bomber blow himself up outside her family's pizzeria. Her mother taught her at an early age to duck below the car windows whenever they passed a particular patch of road known for terrorist shootings. She's had stones thrown at her and spent much of her early childhood looking over her shoulder. Kovitch thought those days were behind her when she moved to the upscale community of Buckhead in Atlanta, but she was wrong.

Kovitch and her boyfriend Jason Eades were dropping off their car one rainy summer night last year at a Mercedes Benz dealership in the tony part of town.

As they waited for their Uber, a man came over to the couple and started harassing them. He asked for money, and when they said no, things got violent.

The suspect, identified as felon Fakhraddivin Moore, reportedly pulled out a knife, called the couple racist, told them they were in the "real Atlanta now," and threatened to kill them.

"He pointed the knife at me and told me over and over, 'White b****, get on your knees and beg for your life,'" Kovitch told the Washington Examiner.

When she wouldn't, the man reportedly punched Eades in the left temple and then turned his anger toward Kovitch. She tried to block his fists, but after the second hit, she was on the ground and unconscious. The incident was caught on camera. Moore was arrested and charged with seven felonies, but those were downgraded to misdemeanors.

If we had an objective press, they'd call this incident what is really is: ethnic cleansing. Left-wing racial forces are unleashing racial violence on their enemies, defunding police and letting ethnic cleansers off on light charges. This is how areas go from mixed race to racially homogeneous very quickly. For individuals, the choice is stark. If you don't live in a collapsing state, you'll be fine. If you do, you'll probably experience rape and murders first or second hand. Your home will have zero value. You'll count yourself lucky to escape with your life.

ZH: "It's A War Zone" - South Africa To Deploy 25,000 Troops As Country On Brink Of Civil War

In the past seven days, South Africa has never come closer to becoming a failed state. The riotous looting has reduced Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal, the two provinces hit hard by the social unrest into what resembles warzones. The country quickly descended into what could be the beginning innings of a civil war, prompting the government to call up military reserves and seek deployment of up to 25,000 troops to quell the violence.
South Africa didn't reach this point overnight. It slowly deteriorated over decades. Yet when it reaches the tipping point, something as simple as a riot can turn into the collapse of civil order.

Why have the Obama and Biden administration been purging right-wing soldiers from the military? Why are they hunting for Trump voters in the military ranks? Because they cannot trust the military will be loyal to them in a civil war. They are planning for a South Africa situation. They have shown you the game plan of removing police and letting criminal mobs run wild for days and weeks on end. Are you preparing by moving your family to a more secure geographic area or will you become a nameless, faceless victim of "random" criminal violence?

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