

Scientistry is Going the Way of Journalism as it Morphs into Superstition

Scientistry is the profession, the scientists. Science is the Scientific Method. Scientists have been politically co-opted in the West as they were in Soviet Russia, such that "science" became regime propaganda instead of guys with test tubes in a lab. Science now means banning people with different ideas from social media, defunding their research at universities and ostracizing them from the community. The same mindset that already permeates most every department at universities (though some like physics are still more focused on the scientific method). An example from the history department. There are historians who believe advanced human civilizations are older than widely believed. Some think the Sphinx is pre-Egyptian based on water erosion. They believe the Sphinx shows signs of aging from long-term rainfall, only possible when that region was not a desert. These men have had to go to the public for funding and appear on shows such as Ancient Aliens because those outlets will give their theories airing (even if they don't believe it was aliens). The general public can't discern fact from fiction in fields they know little about, but they can see credible arguments that deserve a hearing pushed out of the mainstream or banned. As a result, faith in "science" is collapsing. It will reach the level of journalism sooner than you think.

ZH: Republican Confidence In "Science" Collapses: Gallup

Whenever there is a partisan divide emerging on a topic such as this one, step back and examine if the trend is really partisan. Are Republicans upset about the 2020 election and blaming science for it or have politically-favored scientists put out false information that Democrats are not willing to reject for partisan reasons? If the former, then Republican distrust of "science" will decline with time. If the latter, then eventually independents will start distrusting "science," followed by Democrats.

It's also the case that trust in science declines during periods of negative social mood. Superstition and religion replace the rational scientific method. It is possible that we're witnessing official "science" morphing into a kind of superstitious religion. Scientists are like priests in this religion, trusted no matter what they say.

As for the hit parade that is bad science around coronavirus, the latest data out of Israel shows 90 percent of new infections are among the vaccinated, with vaccinated meaning 20 days after the second dose.

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