

Next Failure to Hit DC: Russiagate Blowback

Turns out the Mr. Durham has been investigating this whole time and is now putting evidence before a grand jury.

ZH: Washington On Edge As Durham Prepares Possible Indictments And Report

For example, U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation has been slow in coming, but on Friday, a report surfaced that he is pitching evidence to a grand jury in an investigation started back in May 2019. The Durham investigation is now longer in duration than former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, and many people long forgot that Durham — made a special counsel at the end of the Trump administration — was even still in the game.

The report in The Wall Street Journal said Durham is presenting evidence against FBI agents and possibly others in the use of false information or tips at the start of the Russia investigation in 2016. Those “others” could include a virtual who’s who of Washington politics, and even if they are not indicted, Durham could implicate some of the most powerful figures in politics in his final report, expected in the coming months.

Hard to say what the impact will be without seeing the report. Most everyone, even those like myself who know there must be incredible law breaking going on based on public reports, do not expect punishment for those involved. More so everyone who thinks this is all nonsense or even that Trump was actually guilty. Thus, while I will not expect anything from this investigation or report, there is potential for a world-shattering result. Coming on the heels of the absolute disaster in Afghanistan, this would be two strikes for the ruling class. Meanwhile, the coronavirus vaccines aren't working as advertised...

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