

Mass Deportation is a Winning Issue

By the time the next recession gets going, voters will be clamoring for mass deportation. Below is Australian data, but I know from reading older polling that the U.S. is in a similar place politically:

Macrobusiness: Even The Guardian wants Labor to reset Australian immigration

My only disagreement with Lewis’ salvo is the claim that “historic hostility to increasing immigration levels is at an all-time low”. This is the opposite of the findings of The Australian Population Research Institute’s (TAPRI) latest survey, which found that 70% of Australians want lower levels of immigration (of which 48% want significantly lower or zero immigration) after the pandemic than what existed pre-pandemic:
“There has been a distinct hardening of attitudes towards immigration. Before the pandemic there was a rough balance between the share of voters wanting the current numbers to remain the same or to increase and those wanting them to decrease. But as of July 2021, only a small minority want Big Australia levels restored. The majority do not”.
In many ways the pandemic accelrated existing trends: online destruction of physical retail, localization of supply chains and pro-worker/anti-immigration sentiment. The winning position for many countries will be calling for mass deportationos, followed by doing it. Immigration will not be reopened for decades once the door is closed. Diversity annd mulitculturalism will be replaced by assmiliation programs. As obnoxious as people are about topics such as transgenderism and racism today, so they will be towards foreigners and people who are seen as overly xenophilic in the future. Cancel culture won't go away. It will find new targets.

A brutal political battle is coming, one that makes the polarization of the past 6 years look like fun and games. It will be extreme because it will be a winner-take-all. Either the current trend towards authoritarian government and tech censorship wins or it will be run out of power. Mass deportation of illegal aliens is about as openly "racist" as one can get with a policy these days and thus, if the nationalists and populists win, they will win a total rhetorical victory against the entire Western media, entertainment, political and academic class. In other words, you will rarely here someone say "that's racist" in the future because they will be targeted for cancellation. It is possible that in the U.S., something like birthright citizenship could be retroactively reversed by a Congressional act or court decision (a plain reading of the law makes it clear that children of illegal aliens are not Americans because children of diplomats are not American citizens by birth. One must be "under the laws" of the U.S., i.e. here legally, to obtain birtright citizenship.) The War for the West is about to kickoff in earnest.

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