

Chirping Birds

In the past week, the Baizuo admin has doubled lumber tariffs, restarted Trump's remain in Mexico policy and announced an African travel ban.

WSJ: Biden Joins the Lumber Trade Wars

Yahhoo: Biden restarting Trump's "Remain in Mexico" policy

The Hill: Biden reignites debate over travel bans

President Trump was pilloried in the press as a racist xenophobe destroying the global economy for having the same policies. Many people look at the hypocrisy and double-standard in the media, but the deeper truth is that racism and xenophobia aren't problems in the USA. The propaganda works because people believe in the words. Once you accept that the words are empty, it stops working.

It's also true that Trump and Biden implemented the same policies. There's no substantial argument against these policies in the mainstream other than name calling. There isn't any credible institutinoal opposition to most policies because the left and right have atrophied into name-calling kabuki. Trump cut through the opposition because no one is in charge. No one has the support of the people. The first person who takes charge will find there is no real opposition. Popular support will be his. Trump succumbed to the attacks because he needs to be liked. The eventual "great" leader who will assume power is the one who doesn't care what the ruling class and media think of him. If he is comptetent, he will be unstoppable. The current regime will turn into a flock of chirping birds. Sometimes you stop to listen to the birds, but most of the time you go about your business without having single thought about them.

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