

SARS2 Not-Vaccines Create The Next Big Short: Genetic Medicine

I believe one reason for the mRNA therapy push was marketing. Pump Americans full of a drug that uses mRNA technology as a way of pushing acceptance of the more powerful, but more "scary" mRNA gene therapies. The technology was developed for genetic therapy, not vaccines, and shows a lot of promise. mRNA: Fulfilling the Promise of Gene Therapy. How disastrous would it be if mRNA acceptance is set back by years or decades because the technology was improperly used for vaccination.

If the mRNA "vaccines" are proven deadly, then I can only assume the whole mRNA and gene therapy sector will be severely damaged for years. It will be worse than the fate of nuclear power after Three Mile Island.

Alex Berenson: Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age

I have checked the underlying dataset myself and this graph is correct. Vaccinated people under 60 are twice as likely to die as unvaccinated people. And overall deaths in Britain are running well above normal.

I don’t know how to explain this other than vaccine-caused mortality.

Unz: Lethal Injection; Frontline E.R. Doctor Gives Chilling Account of Unusual Vaccine-Induced Illness
Mortality is rising because more people are dying. And more people are dying because more people have been vaccinated. There’s a link between rising mortality and the Covid-19 vaccine. Naturally, the media wants to shift responsibility for the fatalities to “delayed treatments” and “the lack of preventable care”. But this is just a diversion. The primary cause of death is the injection of a toxic pathogen into the bloodstreams of roughly 70% of the population. That’s what’s causing the clotting, the bleeding, the pulmonary embolisms, the heart attacks, the strokes, and the premature deaths. It’s the vaccine.
The vaccine is the likely cause because the diseases are the known side effects of the spike protein:
The answer to that question can be found in the data itself. As the author admits, there has been a sharp uptick in heart failure, heart disease, circulatory conditions and strokes. (Diabetes is the outlier) These are precisely the ailments one would expect to see if one had just injected millions of people with a clot-generating biologic that triggers a violent immune response that attacks the inner lining of the blood vessels inflicting severe damage to the body’s critical infrastructure.
My sense is this: the coronavirus kills via the spike protein. If you get it naturally and have pre-existing conditions that leave you in a weakened state, the virus can be the mortal blow. The vaccine delivers a worse dose of spike proteins than most people will get from a natural infection because their immune system will kill the virus. About 30 to 40 percent of the population have immune systems that will kill the virus before they show any symptoms. Another huge swath of the population will have a minor illness. Hitting these groups with a monster dose of spike proteins that they would not otherwise have naturally is a bad idea.
According to Israeli Real-Time News, there has been a “500% increase in deaths of players in 2021… Since December, 183 professional athletes and coaches have suddenly collapsed! 108 of them died!”

“500% increase in the deaths” of athletes?!? What are we to make of this?

For starters; the Covid-19 vaccine is not a medication. It is the essential component in the elitist plan for industrial-scale extermination. It is designed to inflict severe physical injury on the people who take it. It’s shocking that people are so deep in denial that can’t see what’s going on right before their eyes. (Please, watch the video clips of the athletes. These are the fittest people on the planet and, yet, they are being struck down by the mystery substance in the vaccine.)

Let's put the puzzle pieces together shall we? I posted this earlier in the week: Corona Booster Disaster. See Coronavirus Panic Returns Thanks to Boosters, USA Headed for Dark December post for more U.S. centric info, plus some other links. Long story short: analysts who I find credible are projecting cases are rising in step with booster shots. This raises the question asked in the Unz piece:
Bingo! If the spike protein produced by the vaccines, inflicts the same internal damage as Covid-19, then shouldn’t doctors expect to see the same symptoms?

Yes, they should. And if the symptoms are the same, then there’s a good chance that vaccine-induced injuries are being misdiagnosed as Covid-19.

This goes back to the war on the unvaccinated. The two best reasons I had were political incompetence and a nefarious desire to eliminate a control group. If there aren't many unvaccindated people in the population, it becomes very difficult for researchers to make comparisons. Eliminate the unvaccinated population and with it goes evidence that the vaccine and not the virus is driving up mortality. If the thesis is correct, then over the next two to four weeks, smoking gun correlation will arrive in the form of surging coronavirus cases in the U.S.A.

Aside from the data coming out, I have seen anecdotal evidence on social media and elsewhere of nurses reporting more cardiac diseases, ER or ICU wards filling up. Nurses have said adverse effects aren't being reported. They have said hospitals are preparing for more cardiac events. My sense is these are credible in aggregate.

There is a mass effort to hide negative effects because of politics. The weakest argument I can make, or the best case scenario for the ruling class, is that officials refuse to accept any negative evidence because it is coming from "politically incorrect" sources. They are basing their information and policy choices on who says it, rather than the content. Last year, scientists put out a fake paper in Lancet saying HCQ was deadly right after President Trump mentioned it as a treatment. "Anti-vaxxers" who oppose all vaccines naturally oppose the mRNA shots. Political "extremists" of various stripes oppose the mRNA shots. BigTech, BigPharma, media and government went all in on censorship of "misinformation." At every step in the process they've escalated the penalties for dissent, they have escalated policy against the unvaccinated. Early on, admitting some truth in those claims would have caused a political blow. At this point, admitting it would unleash a political revolt that would be impossible to contain.

Assuming the shots are driving up mortality, the ruling class' insane obsessions with fake threats such as climate change (fakery of magnitude) and systemic racism (total fakery) leads me to believe they are incompetents who have been retarded by ideology. Like a cargo cult, at some point they stopped checking their beliefs against reality and started running off narrative. "Trust the science" has the same reality content as the cargo culters who said, "Build the airstrip" on the assumption planes would materialize and bring cargo. There could be a smaller conspiracy like a Green extremist cult implementing a "12 Monkeys" plan, with the ruling class playing the role of useless idiots, but more likely it is a series of policy errors that keep compounding because the planners are a special kind of stupid, blinded by ideology. The West is ruled by people who are weaker versions of Mao. They are implementing policies different in degree, but not in kind from the Great Leap Forward, which caused a great famine by having the farmers become micro steel producers. Although who knows what will be the final verdict if the shots are proven deadly. They might go down as the greater villains.

I delved into the wider impact because of how big this story could become if the worst case proves correct. Even if it's there's nothing nefarious going on, saying this information publicly now is like a "Get Into Congress Free" card. I would bet quite a bit, but not the farm, that if the shots are killing people, the public will believe it was intentional and nothing anyone says will shake them from that belief. However, even if the impact is limited politically, any widespread negative result from the mRNA therapies could deliver a crushing blow to the genomics industry. A setback that delays science and medicine a generation or more.

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