

The Media Are Bigots

The media has been attacked for reporting and spreading lies in recent years, with Russiagate the most prominent. However, the media mostly engages in a higher order lie of Narrative, of bias. This bias has existed for many decades. The Vietnam War is clsoe enough in time to be considered a starting point for "The Cathedral." The American media broke with the then ruling class opinion on the Vietnam War. The Tet Offensive was reported as a major loss for the American military, when in reality it was a fatal blow for the North Vietnamese army. This accelerated into the 1980s and 1990s with the media painting right-wing figures negatively, such as Newt Gingrich as the Grich and Scrooge for wanting a balanced budget.
This isn't horrible stuff, but it was relentless and it came from official media. Over time, younger generations steeped in biased media lost their objectivity. A new lie of racism started being pushed in the media and schools. System racism was invented. The media consumed its own Kool-Aid and became ignorant bigots, and they turn everyone who doesn't critically observe them into the same. Many in the ruling class believe America is a systemically racist nation and that ordinary working class Americans who produce sons like Kyle Rittenhouse are the scourge of the nation, that must be eradicated like Lenin's kulaks. They look at Americans who oppose their vision as the enemy to be killed. They haven't reached the point of syaing that openly yet, but they will.

Sailer: Print the Legend

Yet, the article never mentioned that the three attackers Rittenhouse shot were also white. From the tendentious selection of the details to report and to ignore, it’s hardly surprising that many readers thought that Rittenhouse had gunned down blacks.

Sullivan goes on:

The MSM took the ludicrous story of Jussie Smollett seriously because it fit their nutty “white supremacy” narrative. They told us that a woman was brutally gang-raped at UVA (invented), that the Pulse mass shooting was driven by homophobia (untrue) and that the Atlanta spa shooter was motivated by anti-Asian bias (no known evidence for that at all). For good measure, they followed up with story after story about white supremacists targeting Asian-Americans, in a new wave of “hate,” even as the assaults were disproportionately by African Americans and the mentally ill.

To which Last replies:

Jussie Smollett was not an “MSM narrative.” It was a crime-blotter case that the media reported, and then continued reporting on, even as the subsequent reporting took Smollett’s story apart.

In reality, the first thing to notice is that Jussie’s absurd concoction seemed plausible to many true believers in the MSM, such as the five Democratic presidential candidates who tweeted out credulous statements of support for Jussie: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders.

Why? Because the press had long been hyperventilating about the white supremacist MAGA lynch mob menace. In contrast, the existence of an epidemic of hate hoaxes was never discussed. So what else could Jussie’s heavily splashed news story represent other than the fulfillment of the prophecies?

Second, the CBS News article that Last extols as “carefully worded reporting that conspicuously avoids any conclusions” credulously fails to raise red flags about Jussie’s story, such as the polar vortex weather or that Chicago isn’t exactly “MAGA country.”

And the New York Times article that Last cites as “highly skeptical” came sixteen days later.

Not all the media performed as dismally. Three Chicago crime beat reporters, Charlie De Mar, Rafer Weigel, and Rob Elgas, enthusiastically relayed the cops’ doubts about the politically connected Jussie’s whale of a tale. (If there is hope, it lies with the if-it-bleeds-it-leads local TV news.) But the national news remained clueless for days.

I wholeheartedly agree about the superiority of local news. There is still bias in all their national reporting, but local crime and corruption stories are covered more objectively, which invokes Conquest's first law: "Everyone is conservative about what he knows best."

The Smollet story was absurd on its face. So was Russiagate. Did you believe it? I knew it was a total joke in December 2016. It defied 80 years of Cold War history, it was an inversion of the reality of far-left sedition and treason in support of the Soviet Union into the 1980s. It was also concocted on the flimsiest of evidence. Yet the media believed it, they must have to pursue for so long and so tenaciously when it was an obvious lie.

They could not see the truth and cannot see the truth because they are bigots. They have programmed their readers, who also receive programming in school, to also be bigots. When you tell a bigot that the media lies, they look at the facts reported in a story and say, "It's all true." The lie is much bigger. It is produced in their own mind. They cannot even conceive of there being unreported truth, they cannot detect bias in the reporting.

On the flipside, the right-wing is attuned to the bigotry. For at least a decade, the right can read an article and deduce the deeper truth from the way it is reported. For example, whenever there is a crime story with a white perp, legit or manufactured, and a black victim similarly real or imagined, the race of both is featured prominently in the headline or first paragraph. If there is a mass shooting event and the race isn't mentioned, if there's a perp-victim story with no races mentioned, then you can safely assume the attacker was a minority, most likely black or Muslim in the case of terrorism, with a white victim. It doesn't always play out that way, but bigots are consistent that that lends itself. The former stories, no matter how significant and full of holes, will be reported as a national tragedy. The latter stories are memory holed.

It's amazing when you think about how many national media cases are lies, going back to things like Tawana Brawley in the 1980s, to Duke lacrosse in the 2000s, to Zimmerman and Trayvon, Michael Brown, Smollet, Blake, etc. The Los Angeles riots were sparked by simlarly biased reporting. The national media has been hunting for some story, any story, to confirm their bigoted belief in the racism of America and even though they fail over and over, they keep trying. This is the Big Lie that is constantly printed. They know for sure the Jews are behind the international opposition to Germany, I mean that right-wing whites and Christians are behind the underperformance of various minority groups in the United States. They are sure of it and no amount of evidence will convince them they are wrong.

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