

If the Medical Community Doesn't Speak Out on mRNA Shots, It Will Be Silenced

Steve Kirsch: IVF clinics started having serious problems right after the vaccines started rolling out
It seems that they’ve been having a series of problems starting in March, 2021 that they just cannot figure out and have never seen before. Although my informant believes it is the vaccine (which of course is why I got the call), she says that the PhD they employ there to investigate the problem is looking at “every possible variable” to figure out why there was suddenly a doubling of the miscarriage rate (in March through May). Nothing was common to all these women. Nothing. She couldn’t figure out the cause.

The PhD never even considered the shots as a possible variable - she refused to look at it when it was mentioned as really the only environmental change for all their patients. And because none of the other variables panned out as being a cause, she called the miscarriage increase a "fluke."

The IVF clinics start having problems starting in March. And they’ve talked to other IVF clinics who are having similar problems.

The problems in Utah are document in this 42-page report produced by HEALTH INDEPENDENCE ALLIANCE.

Here are a few highlights from the report:

1. Due to the vaccine, the miscarriage rate jumped from 28% to 40% (which is a 43% increase)

2. The report details stories of miscarriages, death, disability, and a wide range of other adverse events.

3. Conclusion: the vaccines should be immediately stopped.

Here is a sample of some of the problems they’ve had. I’ll add to this list over time as I get more data, but I wanted to share this with you now.

...I’ve written in the past about the famous Singapore study that was deliberately gamed so that the conclusion (which determined the vaccines were dangerous to women) would not panic anyone.

Essentially, the vaccine creates antibodies that attack a protein (syncytin-1) which is essential for placenta formation.

In plain English, what they found is that the vaccine should be avoided if you are trying to have a baby.

Kirsch is an "anti-vaccine" advocate. I wasn't one. I thought the "anti-vaccine" crowd made a good argument for delaying vaccines. The EU guidelines for vaccination space out the shots more than the in U.S. and there are fewer total vaccines. I also was genuinely shocked to look back and see how few vaccines I received as a child because there were very few vaccines then. IIRC, MMR, tetanus (DPT?) were the only standard ones. This obsession with vaccination strikes me as being a part of the general avoidance of risk in society with examples such as toddlers wearing helmets while riding tricycles. Some of the vaccines are for illnesses that aren't very serious. All of which is to segue to another Kirsch article: Vaccines are very good... for the drug companies
The message from the drug companies to America is clear

Liability protection is a must. Thank you Congress for that. We are the only industry in America without any liability. Perfect. This allows us to create customers for life.

Parents should make sure to vaccinate all your kids with all possible vaccines. That way, there will not be a control group to compare the outcomes with so nobody will be able to prove that vaccines make things worse.

The drug companies of America thank you for your cooperation, whether it is willing or unwilling. You will cooperate.

What cinches my newfound skepticism is the way the medical community revealed itself to be a bunch of push-button bureaucrats who implement whatever policy medical or government institutions force down the pipe. I probably would not have changed my skepticism if doctors were skeptical of an experimental vaccine with minimal testing, particularly one being given to children. Yet most of them stayed silent. And I have first hand experience with my own doctor telling me ivermectin is probably fine to take, but he cannot write me a prescription because it would cause a shitstorm at the practice. As in maybe he gets fired. OK, but then let's think about how anti-vaccine advocates are treated by the establishment. Doctors are in a similar situatoni when it comes to other vaccines. There is no space for a reasonable discussion either. Perhaps most doctors think measels vaccination is extemely important, but a few others aren't. What would happen if they spoke up? Would they be "cancelled?"

I'd like to see Robert Kennedy, Jr. head a Presidential Commission to investigage all vaccines, the vaccine schedule, and so on. This should be separate from an investigation into the mRNA shots for coronavirus because it is too large of an issue and involves possible criminal behavior by the CDC, NIH, and pharmaceutical companies. A new President must create a "safe space" for dissent and debate, and Truth pursued such that trust is restored in the medical system. Before that can happen, doctors, nurses and researchers must speak out because their profession is being silenced by complicity. If critics of the shots are proven correct on only a few of their complaints, whether it comes out that doctors did no research or that they had concerns but said nothing, trust in the medical community will be destroyed and the public will stop listening to medical advice on all topics. Doctors that risk being cancelled will save their profession from being cancelled.

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